Forum Discussion

Kasra_Hashemi's avatar
5 years ago



I have one VLS Device configured as VTL and one EML Library, Today all of my jobs get this error “the robotic library is not defined in EMM"

It seems that Netbackup is unable to communicated with EML and does not see its Robotic

So I thought it would be a good solution to remove and delete the EML device from Netbackup console and then re-add again. But nothing has happened, in "Define Robots and drives I can see “VLS” with no issue but I see EML Tape Library drives with no Robot.

To make it simple, I have disconnected the HBA which is connected to VLS device, then I tried to add the EML Tape library from the wizard, Guess what? … although VLS is disconnected but the wizard still can see it and lists it for me.

My question is, how can I remove all the configured devices? And how can I fix this issue?


  • davidmoline's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi Kasra

    Based on the output attached, you have lost connectivity to the EML robot (TLD 0) - the output is only showing the MSL6000 library. This corresponds to the NetBackup message indicating a "missing path" to the robot.
    All tapes drives appear to be available, so that's something. 

    As sdo  says you need to address that issue before attempting to get NetBackup to work.  

    Good luckj

  • Hi

    I could finally solve the issue, after changing the OS and so many other steps, I found that the problem was from one of the HBA's ports .so I turned back to the last good known state of OS and changed the HBA.

    Everything is now working fine.

    Thanks by the way

4 Replies

  • Before we try to fix, let's make sure that all devices really are properly visible, because there's no point trying to re-add a device in NetBackup if the operating system itself cannot see a device.

    Can you attach text files of the output of these commands from master server, and from each media server:

    scan -changer
    scan -tape

    ...and somehow show / indicate which server is which.

    AFAICT, we're expecting to see two robotic changers (one physical (EML), one virtual (VLS)), and tape drives (phys+virt) for both.

    If the devices don't show up, then I would do this:

    1) reboot EML

    2) reboot VLS

    3) reboot medias

    4) reboot master

    5) re-check scan -changer and scan -tape

    6) if devices are still not seen via scan commands, then check SAN elements...

    6a) SAN switches ok?

    6b) SAN switch ports ok?

    6c) zero any errors

    6d) check SFP light (signal loss) levels

    6e) check for LLI (lost link indicator)

    6f) check that expected WWPN of initiators and targets are all present


      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi Kasra

        Based on the output attached, you have lost connectivity to the EML robot (TLD 0) - the output is only showing the MSL6000 library. This corresponds to the NetBackup message indicating a "missing path" to the robot.
        All tapes drives appear to be available, so that's something. 

        As sdo  says you need to address that issue before attempting to get NetBackup to work.  

        Good luckj