Forum Discussion

mark_herring's avatar
12 years ago

running netbackup manual backups from java gui from non-admin account


I'm running netbackup and I need a solution for our operations team to be able to manually start backups.  As an admin I can click on a policy and hit "manual backup" but then I can change the policy, delete it, etc.  I want the ops team to just be able to run backups

I've setup java.auth file with this line


which works and means they can use activity monitor and perform adhoc restores but I want a friendly way of them being able to start backups manually that are not in activity monitor.

I tried ops center and it does the job as it allows them to run manual backups but the monitoring of jobs from ops center is not great as its too slow and not as good as activity monitor.

I dont want to give the ops opscenter for running backups and java gui for monitoring backups


any help greatly appreciated
