Forum Discussion

CJACUNAD's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

SAP HANA "Backint missing software version tag" error

Hi everyone

I beg for your help or advise if anyone has experimented this problem.

We configured a SAP HANA IBM Appliance backup following the steps in the NetBackup admin guide for SAP, but after lunch a backup process it always fails taking about 30 minutes to end. No jobs are generated in the NetBackup side or we can't see any jobs in the activity monitor.

When we check at backint.log file, we found several errors displaying "ERROR: incorrect format or option in .utl file (-p)" and "Backint missing software version tag" as shown above:

2014-06-09 12:54:22.000 backint started:
  command: /usr/sap/HBP/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint -f backup -p /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/sap_oracle/initSAP.utl -i /var/tmp/hdbbackint_HBP.wWCRnp -o /var/tmp/hdbbackint_HBP.csWwcO -u HBP -s 1402336462022 -c 1 -l LOG
  pid: 63217
  #SOFTWAREID "backint 1.04" "HANA HDB server"
  #PIPE "/usr/sap/HBP/SYS/global/hdb/backint/log_backup_0_0_0_0"
2014-06-09 12:54:22.000  backint terminated:
  pid: 63148
  exit code: 0
  ERROR: incorrect format or option in .utl file (-p)
  exception  1: no.110515  (Backup/Destination/Backint/impl/BackupDestBackint_Executor.cpp:190)
      Backint missing software version tag

Our master server is a Windows 2008 Server running NBU
Our SAP HANA Appliance is on a SuSe Linux 10 SP2 running NBU


Thanks in advance

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