Forum Discussion

arky's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Schedule backup attempts

Hi All

Could you tell me what's the meaning of "Schedule backup attempts" in NetBackup?

We just set this parametre as "1 time every 24 hours" and a scheduled job was failed at 1:00am on Feb 12.

but it did not run automaticly on Feb 13 and resumed normal on Feb 14. Is it normal?

The policy is as follow:

policy A

Schedule: Daily_Incr

  Type:                 Differential Incremental Backup
  Synthetic Backup:     --
  Disk-Only Backup:     No
  Retention Period:     3 months
  Retention Level:      5
  Frequency:            1 day
  Media Multiplexing:   2
  Volume Pool:         
  Media Owner:         
  Start Windows:
        Monday    1:00:00  to  Monday    7:00:00  (0 days, 06 hours, 00 minutes)
        Tuesday   1:00:00  to  Tuesday   7:00:00  (0 days, 06 hours, 00 minutes)
        Wednesday 1:00:00  to  Wednesday 7:00:00  (0 days, 06 hours, 00 minutes)
        Thursday  1:00:00  to  Thursday  7:00:00  (0 days, 06 hours, 00 minutes)
        Friday    1:00:00  to  Friday    7:00:00  (0 days, 06 hours, 00 minutes)

  • Do you have enough job streams to run all of your jobs straight away?

    Suppose the window opens at 1am but the job remains in a queue for hours and doesn't actuallt "start" until 4am .. then it will not be due to run again until 4am the next day.

    If it also then drops at the back of the queue and does not start until 6am then next day it cannot start until 6am .. and so on - this si what we call job creep caused by that type of scheduling.

    Of course if it starts to run at 6am it can carry on running outside of the window as it is only a start window .. but if it fails at 8am then you settings do not allow it to try again for 24 hours so the next night it cannot run at all

    Hope this makes sense

  • hi 

    please see the below note from admin guide about "Schedule backup attempts"


    NetBackup considers the failure history of a policy to determine whether or not to
    run a scheduled backup job. The Schedule backup attempts property sets the
    timeframe for NetBackup to examine.
    This property determines the following characteristics for each policy:
    ■ How many preceding hours NetBackup examines to determine whether to allow
    another backup attempt (retry). By default, NetBackup examines the past 12 hours.
    ■ How many times a backup can be retried within that timeframe. By default,
    NetBackup allows two attempts. Attempts include the scheduled backups that
    start automatically or the scheduled backups that are user-initiated.
    Consider the following example scenario using the default setting 2 tries every 12
    ■ Policy_A runs at 6:00 P.M.; Schedule_1 fails.
    ■ Policy_A is user-initiated at 8:00 P.M.; Schedule_2 fails.
    ■ At 11:00 P.M., NetBackup looks at the previous 12 hours. NetBackup sees one
    attempt at 6:00 P.M. and one attempt at 8:00 P.M. The Schedulebackupattempts
    setting of two has been met so NetBackup does not try again.
    ■ At 6:30 A.M. the next morning, NetBackup looks at the previous 12 hours.
    NetBackup sees only one attempt at 8:00 P.M. The Schedule backup attempts
    setting of two has not been met so NetBackup tries again. If a schedule window
    is not open at this time, NetBackup waits until a window is open.
    Note: This attribute does not apply to user backups and archives.
  • I assume you mean the setting on the Master Servers Host properties?

    What it means is the number of retries allowed in a specified period.

    So if that is set to 1 in 24 hours then if a failure ocurrs it will not run any backups again for that client for a 24 hour period

    Generally i set this to be 3 in 8 hours to give it the best chance of being ready for the next backup attempt.

    The frequency of the schedule is also important and i always set this to just one hour more than the schedule duration.

    So in your example above you have a window of 1am to 7 am which is a duration of 6 hours. The optimum frequency for that schedule would be to run every 7 hours.

    This means it cannot run twoce during your backup window but if run manually during the morning after a failure or if it queued and ran for a while it would at least always be ready to run at the start of the next backup window

    Hope this helps

  • I saw the note from this guide before, but in my opinion,the job will be started automaticly on Feb 13 1:00am because the time between Feb 12 1:00am and Feb 13 1:00am is  24 hours. It is still in the backup window from Feb 13 1:00am.

    For example,at 3:00 am on Feb 13 ,NetBackup looks at the previous 24 hours (Feb 12 3:00am ~ Feb 13 3:00am), there is no attempt during this period? It is also in the backup window and it shoud retry the backup,right?


  • Do you have enough job streams to run all of your jobs straight away?

    Suppose the window opens at 1am but the job remains in a queue for hours and doesn't actuallt "start" until 4am .. then it will not be due to run again until 4am the next day.

    If it also then drops at the back of the queue and does not start until 6am then next day it cannot start until 6am .. and so on - this si what we call job creep caused by that type of scheduling.

    Of course if it starts to run at 6am it can carry on running outside of the window as it is only a start window .. but if it fails at 8am then you settings do not allow it to try again for 24 hours so the next night it cannot run at all

    Hope this makes sense

  • When did last successful backup run? Manual or automatic.

    Please post output of :

    bpimagelist -client <client-name> -d 02/12/2013 -U