Forum Discussion

Yuvi's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Searching a file in catalog

In our environment we are taking backup of some database applications hosted in unix servers which were backed up thru a windows netbackup master server.

Question is,

They were frequently asking for the database files backed up for the last full backup and we are manually checking for the files in every folder of the client using restore window.

Is there any method or command line to pull out the file names (like keyword search) which are backed up for the unix client from windows master server.

  • They were frequently asking for the database files backed up for the last full backup and we are manually checking for the files in every folder of the client using restore window.

    You could still do it that way but there is a 'quick' way to doing it!

    If Judy still frequented these pages she'd be able to tell you herself, but this is her response to a query I put to her sometime ago about the search facility within the Windows BAR GUI:

    [within the Windows BAR GUI]

    choose more then one backup if you want.

    on the left choose server name at the top of the lower window (colapse down to just the server name)

    now click on the Binoculars (action - search backups) you get a new window

    in the Search Folder (took me a while to learn this) put in a file name or wildcarding (forget about any dirve names or slashes)

    tell it to search

    the left pane will open up to just the directories that it found matches in

    give it a try with a file name that is 2 or 3 dirs deep and see.

    I have found this very usefull when users have removed files but don't remember where they were.


4 Replies




  • They were frequently asking for the database files backed up for the last full backup and we are manually checking for the files in every folder of the client using restore window.

    You could still do it that way but there is a 'quick' way to doing it!

    If Judy still frequented these pages she'd be able to tell you herself, but this is her response to a query I put to her sometime ago about the search facility within the Windows BAR GUI:

    [within the Windows BAR GUI]

    choose more then one backup if you want.

    on the left choose server name at the top of the lower window (colapse down to just the server name)

    now click on the Binoculars (action - search backups) you get a new window

    in the Search Folder (took me a while to learn this) put in a file name or wildcarding (forget about any dirve names or slashes)

    tell it to search

    the left pane will open up to just the directories that it found matches in

    give it a try with a file name that is 2 or 3 dirs deep and see.

    I have found this very usefull when users have removed files but don't remember where they were.


  • Thanks Andy ,this looks great for the past one year i was searching the file name by browsing ,

    from now on it would ben very helpfull to fix the issuw thank you so much.


    I just type the file neme starts with ,that i need to search and i just entered * to the file name as (EPM*) it gives complete result and saves more time thanks a ton for  your post.


    Is there any option to see the result in cmd prompt.And if any scripts available to generate in excel.

  • Only way I can think of via command line would be using bplist or bpflist - would have to ensure that enquiry is recursive enough & then use grep or similar to filter out the 'string'.

    Excel? Nothing specific. Maybe you could format the output of bpflist?

    How to list files backed up using the bplist or bpflist command

    but don't forget to use the -t option correctly:

    DOCUMENTATION: A listing of policy types and how they are used with bplist and other VERITAS NetBackup (tm) commands.