Catalog Search
I am new to Symantec Netbackup.
Can anyone explain on how to find the tape cartridge number that was used as a backup for any specific client as we do have to restore a client and the copy is on tape and not sure if that tape is still in library or no.
Thanks in advance.
go to GUI---> catalog
provide the detals like data range that you are looking for, client name, if you have the policy name then policy name then click on Search
it will result all avaliable images in the given search parameters.. with media ID as well..
you can also use bpimagelist command to get this detail in command line
Alternativly if you attempt to the restore from the Netbackup Console there is a Preview media button that will show what media(s) the data being requested is on. then you can cross check against the library to see if its onsite still.