Forum Discussion

pkvyas1983's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Shadow copy component failed with 71 error.

Hi All,

I our backup environment some of window servers backup failed with shadow copy component failed with 71 error code "none of file exist in the file list " & other window servers shadow copy comp. passed successfully.

Kindly some one suggest me to how to resolve this issue.

we are using netbackup 6.0 MP4, 6.0MP7, 6.5.5 backup software.


Pradeep Vyas

  • As Rohit has highlighted...if any of the VSS writers are in an "error" is likely that you'll have problems backing up the Shadow Copy Components. To resolve this you'll have to re-register the VSS writers(on the client giving issues) and reboot the server. Once done verify(by running the "vssadmin list writers") that none of the writers are in "error" status and try running the backup again.

10 Replies

  • Which operating systems fail?

    If they are Windows 2008 then it may be as a result of not being supported by your version of NetBackup

  • Hi Mark,

    Thanks for reply.

    Its a window 2003 SP2, Other backup streams of this client passed except shedow copy component.

    Selection set is ALL_LOCAL_DRIVE

    In other setup one server is also master & media server & Netbackup version is 6.0 MP7.

    At the time of self backup only shadow copy component backup stream failed with 71 error.

    Please suggest.

  • Have you tried Google yet?

  • Hi Marianne,

    Yes. I found most of article on google & tried as well but not succeded.

    In Master server properties (client attribute) I also added the client & under window open file backup tab I applied the both option one by one but no result.

    On this server the volume shodow copy service status is manual.(it is master & media server).



  • Have you tried to use (Windows) ntbackup to backup SCC to disk?

    Are there any errors in Event Viewer?

    Please create bpbkar and bpfis folders on the client. Post these logs as attachments after the next failure.

  • bpbkar32.exe -nocont Shadow Copy Components:\  1> nul 2> nul 



    setup bpbkar logging on the client and run the above command. Check the bpbkar log.

  • Can you also check the exclude list for the client If all local drives is selected but the system state / shadow copy is excluded it will fail like this
  • As Rohit has highlighted...if any of the VSS writers are in an "error" is likely that you'll have problems backing up the Shadow Copy Components. To resolve this you'll have to re-register the VSS writers(on the client giving issues) and reboot the server. Once done verify(by running the "vssadmin list writers") that none of the writers are in "error" status and try running the backup again.