Forum Discussion

Scott_Lewis_2's avatar
13 years ago

SLP - Retention Period

I am looking for a way to have a SLP using AIR (NBU 7.5.01 running on Windows 2008 R2) with a 60-day retention on the Source Domain and 14-day retention on the destination domain.  I have a single MSDP in both the source and destination domain.  My SLP is



Operation - Backup

Storage Unit - MSDP

Retention Type - Fixed

Retention Period - 2 Months


Operation - Replication

Storage Unit -

Retention Type - Fixed

Retention Period - 2 Weeks



Operation - Import

Storage Unit - MSDP

Retention Type - Target Retention

Retention Period -

It took the Retention Period when the Operation = Duplication to an offsite to MSDP but not when the Operation = Replication (AIR).  I know that I could write a duplicated copy to tape at the source domain but looking for a way to keep everyting in Dedup Disk.

Thanks for any suggestions








  • With your configuration, data sit in source MSDP will be kept 2 months, and be kept 2 weeks in destination MSDP. I tested in my test environment now, and got folowing result. Images will be kept and, will expire as specified in SLP. SLP configuration in source domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstl SLP_TEST1 -L
                                    Name: SLP_TEST1
                     Data Classification: (none specified)
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Operation  1              Use for: 0 (backup)
                                 Storage: STU_MSDP
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 4 (2 months)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: true
                                   State: active
                                  Source: 0 (client)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 1
     Operation  2              Use for: 3 (replication to remote master)
                                 Storage: Remote Master
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: Target 1 (backup:STU_MSDP)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 2
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    SLP configuration in destination domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstl SLP_TEST1 -L
                                    Name: SLP_TEST1
                     Data Classification: (none specified)
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Operation  1              Use for: 4 (import)
                         Import Priority: -1
                                 Storage: STU_MSDP
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 3 (Remote (Imported) Expiration Date)
                         Retention Level: Not Used (remote expiration)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: 0 (client)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 1
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Image information in source domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstlutil list -U
     Master Server            : air1
     Backup ID                : air1_1338859064
     Client                   : air1
     Backup Time              : 1338859064 (Tue Jun 05 10:17:44 2012)
     Policy                   : TEST1
     Client Type              : 13
     Schedule Type            : 0
     Storage Lifecycle Policy : SLP_TEST1
     Storage Lifecycle State  : 3 (COMPLETE)
     Time In Process          : 1338859343 (Tue Jun 05 10:22:23 2012)
     Data Classification ID   : (none specified)
     Version Number           : 0
     OriginMasterServer       : (none specified)
     OriginMasterServerID     : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
     Import From Replica Time : 0 (Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 1970)
     Required Expiration Date : 0 (Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 1970)
     Created Date Time        : 1338859065 (Tue Jun 05 10:17:45 2012)
       Master Server       : air1
       Backup ID           : air1_1338859064
       Copy Number         : 1
       Copy Type           : 0 (BACKUP)
       Expire Time         : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Expire LC Time      : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Try To Keep Time    : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Residence           : STU_MSDP
       Copy State          : 3 (COMPLETE)
       Job ID              : 1
       Retention Type      : 0 (FIXED)
       MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
       RetryCount          : 0
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859131 (Tue Jun 05 10:18:51 2012)
       Source              : 0
       Destination ID      : (none specified)
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859131
       Replica:            : 0
       DataFormat          : 1 (DF_TAR)
       SLP Index           : 1
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : -2147482648
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 1205
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : -1
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 3234
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : 1
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 436533248
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
       Master Server       : air1
       Backup ID           : air1_1338859064
       Copy Number         : 102
       Copy Type           : 3 (REPLICATE_TO_REMOTE_MASTER)
       Expire Time         : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Expire LC Time      : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Try To Keep Time    : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Residence           : Remote Master
       Copy State          : 3 (COMPLETE)
       Job ID              : 2
       Retention Type      : 0 (FIXED)
       MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
       RetryCount          : 1
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859930 (Tue Jun 05 10:32:10 2012)
       Source              : 1
       Target ID           : (none specified)
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859930
       Replica:            : 0
       DataFormat          : 0 (DF_UNDEFINED)
       SLP Index           : 2
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -L
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Image information in destination domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -L
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Although bpimagelist in source domain show image expiration date as Jun 19, this image copy will alive until Aug 06. After image expiration at Jul 06:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -U -d 2012/01/01
    Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   On Hold Index St
    atus Policy
    ----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------- --------
    ---- ------------
    2012/07/06 11:29  2012/07/20      112    14639  N  Full Backup  0       0
    2012/06/05 10:17  2012/06/19       18   426305  N  Full Backup  0       0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -L -d 2012/06/05
     00:00:00 -e 2012/06/05 12:00:00
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

2 Replies

  • With your configuration, data sit in source MSDP will be kept 2 months, and be kept 2 weeks in destination MSDP. I tested in my test environment now, and got folowing result. Images will be kept and, will expire as specified in SLP. SLP configuration in source domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstl SLP_TEST1 -L
                                    Name: SLP_TEST1
                     Data Classification: (none specified)
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Operation  1              Use for: 0 (backup)
                                 Storage: STU_MSDP
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 4 (2 months)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: true
                                   State: active
                                  Source: 0 (client)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 1
     Operation  2              Use for: 3 (replication to remote master)
                                 Storage: Remote Master
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                         Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: Target 1 (backup:STU_MSDP)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 2
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    SLP configuration in destination domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstl SLP_TEST1 -L
                                    Name: SLP_TEST1
                     Data Classification: (none specified)
                Duplication job priority: 0
                                   State: active
                                 Version: 0
     Operation  1              Use for: 4 (import)
                         Import Priority: -1
                                 Storage: STU_MSDP
                             Volume Pool: (none specified)
                            Server Group: (none specified)
                          Retention Type: 3 (Remote (Imported) Expiration Date)
                         Retention Level: Not Used (remote expiration)
                   Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
                   Preserve Multiplexing: false
          Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                                   State: active
                                  Source: 0 (client)
                            Operation ID: (none specified)
                         Operation Index: 1
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Image information in source domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstlutil list -U
     Master Server            : air1
     Backup ID                : air1_1338859064
     Client                   : air1
     Backup Time              : 1338859064 (Tue Jun 05 10:17:44 2012)
     Policy                   : TEST1
     Client Type              : 13
     Schedule Type            : 0
     Storage Lifecycle Policy : SLP_TEST1
     Storage Lifecycle State  : 3 (COMPLETE)
     Time In Process          : 1338859343 (Tue Jun 05 10:22:23 2012)
     Data Classification ID   : (none specified)
     Version Number           : 0
     OriginMasterServer       : (none specified)
     OriginMasterServerID     : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
     Import From Replica Time : 0 (Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 1970)
     Required Expiration Date : 0 (Thu Jan 01 09:00:00 1970)
     Created Date Time        : 1338859065 (Tue Jun 05 10:17:45 2012)
       Master Server       : air1
       Backup ID           : air1_1338859064
       Copy Number         : 1
       Copy Type           : 0 (BACKUP)
       Expire Time         : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Expire LC Time      : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Try To Keep Time    : 1344215864 (Mon Aug 06 10:17:44 2012)
       Residence           : STU_MSDP
       Copy State          : 3 (COMPLETE)
       Job ID              : 1
       Retention Type      : 0 (FIXED)
       MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
       RetryCount          : 0
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859131 (Tue Jun 05 10:18:51 2012)
       Source              : 0
       Destination ID      : (none specified)
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859131
       Replica:            : 0
       DataFormat          : 1 (DF_TAR)
       SLP Index           : 1
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : -2147482648
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 1205
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : -1
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 3234
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
         Master Server     : air1
         Backup ID         : air1_1338859064
         Copy Number       : 1
         Fragment Number   : 1
         Resume Count      : 0
         Media ID          : @aaaab
         Media Server      : air1
         Storage Server    : (none specified)
         Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
         Media Sub-Type    : 6 (STSDYNAMIC)
         Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
         Fragment Size     : 436533248
         Delete Header     : 0
         Fragment ID       : @aaaab
         Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
         Media Description : 1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
       Master Server       : air1
       Backup ID           : air1_1338859064
       Copy Number         : 102
       Copy Type           : 3 (REPLICATE_TO_REMOTE_MASTER)
       Expire Time         : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Expire LC Time      : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Try To Keep Time    : 1340068664 (Tue Jun 19 10:17:44 2012)
       Residence           : Remote Master
       Copy State          : 3 (COMPLETE)
       Job ID              : 2
       Retention Type      : 0 (FIXED)
       MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
       RetryCount          : 1
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859930 (Tue Jun 05 10:32:10 2012)
       Source              : 1
       Target ID           : (none specified)
       Last Retry Time     : 1338859930
       Replica:            : 0
       DataFormat          : 0 (DF_UNDEFINED)
       SLP Index           : 2
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -L
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Image information in destination domain:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -L
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

    Although bpimagelist in source domain show image expiration date as Jun 19, this image copy will alive until Aug 06. After image expiration at Jul 06:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -U -d 2012/01/01
    Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   On Hold Index St
    atus Policy
    ----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------- --------
    ---- ------------
    2012/07/06 11:29  2012/07/20      112    14639  N  Full Backup  0       0
    2012/06/05 10:17  2012/06/19       18   426305  N  Full Backup  0       0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -L -d 2012/06/05
     00:00:00 -e 2012/06/05 12:00:00
    Client:            air1
    Backup ID:         air1_1338859064
    Policy:            TEST1
    Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   2 months (4)
    Backup Time:            2012/06/05 10:17:44 (1338859064)
    Elapsed Time:      67 second(s)
    Expiration Time:        2012/06/19 10:17:44 (1340068664)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         426305
    Number of Files:   18
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   3
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   TEST1_1338859064_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               0
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:          1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:        1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    BI Full Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     0
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     3234
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            1
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    SLP_TEST1
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      3
    Remote Expiration Time:       1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:            1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     1
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-2147482648)
     Kilobytes:        1
     Remainder:        181
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x100
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         TIR (-1)
     Kilobytes:        3
     Remainder:        162
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x80
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        426302
     Remainder:        0
     Media Type:       Disk (0)
     Density:          qscsi (0)
     File Num:         0
     ID:               @aaaab
     Host:             air1
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           0
     Media Date:             1970/01/01 9:00:00 (0)
     Dev Written On:   -1
     Flags:            0x4
     Media Descriptor:        1;PureDisk;air1;DP_MSDP;PureDiskVolume;0
     Expiration Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     MPX:              0
     retention_lvl:    2 months (4)
     Try to Keep Time:       2012/08/06 10:17:44 (1344215864)
     Copy Creation Time:       2012/06/05 10:18:51 (1338859131)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Copy on hold:     0
    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>