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Level 3
10 years ago

Snapshop error

Good day Please advise what is a snapshot error. THE NBU client wrote about 100GB of data to tape, they a snapshop error occurred. Does this mean I have no data backed up at all? see log below 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5276) starting backup job (jobid=155) for client stlmsql, policy STLMSQL, schedule Full 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5276) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=155, request id:{E09BCF05-84D7-4D57-B7D8-DA428C0B0558}) 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - requesting resource Any 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - requesting resource stlmbackup.midmunic.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.stlmsql 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - requesting resource stlmbackup.midmunic.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.STLMSQL 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - granted resource stlmbackup.midmunic.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.stlmsql 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - granted resource stlmbackup.midmunic.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.STLMSQL 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - granted resource I179L4 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - granted resource stlmbackup-hcart-robot-tld-0 2015/03/23 04:07:02 PM - started 2015/03/23 04:07:03 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed 2015/03/23 04:07:03 PM - Info nbjm(pid=5276) started backup (backupid=stlmsql_1427119622) job for client stlmsql, policy STLMSQL, schedule Full on storage unit stlmbackup-hcart-robot-tld-0 2015/03/23 04:07:03 PM - started process bpbrm (12260) 2015/03/23 04:07:10 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=12260) stlmsql is the host to backup data from 2015/03/23 04:07:10 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=12260) reading file list for client 2015/03/23 04:07:10 PM - connecting 2015/03/23 04:07:14 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=12260) starting bpbkar32 on client 2015/03/23 04:07:14 PM - connected; connect time: 0:00:04 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=18204) Backup started 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=18204) change time comparison: 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=18204) archive bit processing: 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) start 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) using 65536 data buffer size 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) using 30 data buffers 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) start backup 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) backup child process is pid 10412.9816 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) Waiting for mount of media id I179L4 (copy 1) on server stlmbackup 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=10412) start 2015/03/23 04:07:22 PM - mounting I179L4 2015/03/23 04:07:48 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=18204) not using change journal data for <>: not enabled 2015/03/23 04:08:29 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) media id I179L4 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {3,0,0,0}, drivename HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000, copy 1 2015/03/23 04:08:29 PM - mounted; mount time: 0:01:07 2015/03/23 04:08:36 PM - positioning I179L4 to file 4 2015/03/23 04:10:39 PM - Error bptm(pid=520) ioctl (MTWEOF) failed on media id I179L4, drive index 0, The media is write protected. (19) (bptm.c.22854) 2015/03/23 04:10:39 PM - Error bptm(pid=520) FROZE media id I179L4, could not write tape mark to begin new image 2015/03/23 04:10:39 PM - current media I179L4 complete, requesting next resource Any 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) Waiting for mount of media id I183L4 (copy 1) on server stlmbackup 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - granted resource I183L4 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - granted resource stlmbackup-hcart-robot-tld-0 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - end writing 2015/03/23 04:13:22 PM - mounting I183L4 2015/03/23 04:14:26 PM - Info bptm(pid=520) media id I183L4 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {3,0,0,0}, drivename HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000, copy 1 2015/03/23 04:14:26 PM - mounted; mount time: 0:01:04 2015/03/23 04:14:26 PM - positioning I183L4 to file 1 2015/03/23 04:14:31 PM - positioned I183L4; position time: 0:00:05 2015/03/23 04:14:31 PM - begin writing 2015/03/24 09:29:47 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=12260) from client stlmsql: ERR - failure reading file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump100000.txt (WIN32 2: Unknown error) 2015/03/24 09:29:48 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=12260) from client stlmsql: ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump100000.txt 2015/03/24 09:29:48 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=12260) from client stlmsql: FTL - Backup operation aborted! 2015/03/24 09:30:53 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=12260) could not send server status message 2015/03/24 09:30:57 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=18204) done. status: 156: snapshot error encountered 2015/03/24 09:30:57 AM - end writing; write time: 17:16:26 snapshot error encountered (156) 2015/03/24 09:31:01 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=10648) Starting delete snapshot processing 2015/03/24 09:31:09 AM - Info bpfis(pid=9696) Backup started 2015/03/24 09:31:09 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=10648) from client stlmsql: cannot open C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.stlmsql_1427119622.1.0 2015/03/24 09:31:09 AM - Info bpfis(pid=9696) done. status: 4207 2015/03/24 09:31:09 AM - end operation 2015/03/24 09:31:09 AM - Info bpfis(pid=9696) done. status: 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata or state files

4 Replies

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  • First take a look at I179L4

    2015/03/23 04:10:39 PM - Error bptm(pid=520) ioctl (MTWEOF) failed on media id I179L4, drive index 0, The media is write protected. (19) (bptm.c.22854)
    2015/03/23 04:10:39 PM - Error bptm(pid=520) FROZE media id I179L4, could not write tape mark to begin new image

    It could look like you are hitting the upper limit for a VSS snpashot and as a result the snapshot is discolved

    1: Check event log - does it mention snap was delete  ?

    2: Take a look at the tech note - you may need to change maximum VSS snap size.

    Troubleshooting Status Code 156 "snapshot error encountered" occurs when using VSS for Open file backups or snapshots

    You may also want to enable the bpfis debug directory in [INSTALL_PATH]\Netbckup\logs as well

  • Hi:

    The policy type for this backup is MSSQL. The way this type
    of Backup works is the MSQL agent queieses the database
    and takes a snapshot. This snapshot is then dumped to the media server
    and the meta data for the catalog is passed to the Master Server.

    Please note the following error from the detail status you posted:

    2015/03/24 09:29:47 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=12260) from client stlmsql: ERR - failure reading file:
     C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump100000.txt (WIN32 2: Unknown error)
     This is a Windows error. The file that Windows cannot read is the SQLDump. A good place to start
    looking for the cause would be The Windows Event Viewer. 

    A status code 4207 occures when Netbackup could not fetch the snapshot metadata or state files. See:

    1. Has this backup every worked before?

    2. Verify that the Client can do a forward/reverse lookup on the Master

       Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\bin >bpclntcmd -pn (reverse lookup)
       Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\bin > bpclntcmd -host <master server>
    3. Verify required ports are not blocked between client and master.
        From Master: Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\bin\admincmd > bptestbpcd -hn stlmsql -verbose 
    4. Verify the state file location on the client has write permission:
       <from client stlmsql: cannot open C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.stlmsql_1427119622.1.0>

     5. Provide bpcd log from client that matches the time frame of the detail status for
        more information on failure.