Forum Discussion

Kong_Hoong's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Solaris11 Project Tuning (Shared Memory) for Clustered Netbackup


I'm looking for a solution to start NB processes on NB Master Server 7.6 installed in VCS cluster to start with Solaris 11 project for shared memory tuning.

NB processes on VCS cluster are started by perl script located in netbackup/bin/cluster/vcs.

How to start NB in VCS cluster with Solaris 11 project?



Chan KH.

  • VCS 6.x supports Solaris projects with the Project agent, utilizing the ContainerInfo service group attribute.

    In order to use projects in a "supported" way with VCS/NetBackup, it would require that the NetBackup agent supports ContainterInfo attribute. I don't have a Solaris system at hand to check whether it has the definition in the /etc/VRTSvcs/con/config/ file.

    A line would be something along: static int ContainerOpts{} = { RunInContainer=1, PassCInfo=0 }


    But I really doubt the NetBackup agent has this support. So perhaps it is a good "idea" for filing a new idea in this forum...

    For some time, the NetBackup agent has been a compiled agent supporting the new framework, so "patching" scripts a la the approach mentioned above, is in my understanding not possible.

    In theory, you could throw together your own constellation of online, offline, monitor, and clean scripts, and use the Application resource agent, which supports the ContainerInfo attribute. So a service group would have the usual net/disk resources, a project resource, and no NetBackup resource, but an Application resource.

    But that would mean you have to mimic the NetBackup agent functionality, which in no way is rocket science...

    Should work fine if you get the scripts right, but would it be a supported configuration in your organization?



5 Replies

  • Not sure why you would want to do this on a Master? A Master server should be dedicated server, so just let is use all the resources available?

    There is some info here:


  • On a VCS controlled master server you use

    hagrp -online nbu_group -sys {node}

    to start Netbackup and 

    hagrp -offline nbu_group -sys {node}

    to stop Netbackup again.

  • You should be able to use the standard method they use to set the project ie via a script as referenced by revaroo that remaps itself or by introducing a new script , or possibly with project in the cluster fwork. Certainly Solaris cluster gives you ability to use projects, would expect VCS to be able to.

    Have you tried the VCS cluster forum? I would imagine they would have more of an idea, plus you will be in a better position to not make an unintentional error eg on upgrade avoiding losing your modifications.

    To answer revaroos question : you do this precisely because starting it normally doesnt give you access to full resource.

    My experience is off the back of Sol10 so could be different in Sol11. Jim

  • VCS 6.x supports Solaris projects with the Project agent, utilizing the ContainerInfo service group attribute.

    In order to use projects in a "supported" way with VCS/NetBackup, it would require that the NetBackup agent supports ContainterInfo attribute. I don't have a Solaris system at hand to check whether it has the definition in the /etc/VRTSvcs/con/config/ file.

    A line would be something along: static int ContainerOpts{} = { RunInContainer=1, PassCInfo=0 }


    But I really doubt the NetBackup agent has this support. So perhaps it is a good "idea" for filing a new idea in this forum...

    For some time, the NetBackup agent has been a compiled agent supporting the new framework, so "patching" scripts a la the approach mentioned above, is in my understanding not possible.

    In theory, you could throw together your own constellation of online, offline, monitor, and clean scripts, and use the Application resource agent, which supports the ContainerInfo attribute. So a service group would have the usual net/disk resources, a project resource, and no NetBackup resource, but an Application resource.

    But that would mean you have to mimic the NetBackup agent functionality, which in no way is rocket science...

    Should work fine if you get the scripts right, but would it be a supported configuration in your organization?



  • I got the answer from AAImroth reply which we need to manually "tweak" the environment to make it work.

    Since this is a master server, my approach is remove all projects and configure one default project which will use the shared memory settings I want and no modification on the VCS agents nor configuration.


    Thanks for all the advice and ideas.