Forum Discussion

Saqib_Alam's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

SQL Logs Job Stuck on Connecting state

I run the sql logs backup but since last 2hours it was stuck on connecting state .... nothing is processing.

Find the screenshot attached.


  • Check client Host Properties - ensure new Master is specified as Master.
    Seems your client still has old master listed as Master?

    **** EDIT **** Just remembered something else: Check SERVER entry in script as well.

7 Replies

  • Nope - not stuck in connecting state.

    Have another look - I see 'Connected' as well as bphdb started on client - PID 8120.

    You need to check what is happening on the client. Check Task manager for 'db...' and 'bp...' processes running.

    Hopefully you have bphdb and dbclient logs enabled on client. If so, rename to reflect process name (e.g. dbclient.txt) abd post as attachments.

    Also check SQL errorlog and VDI logs.

  • find attached dbclient logs why its showing my old master server ip not connecting to new server.

    bphdb logs

    16:56:28.652 [9952.7368] <2> logparams: -sb -rdbms sql_server -S bs-itu01-001.kacst.ksa -to 300 -c KACSTSQL_LOGS -s LOGS_HOURLY -clnt KACSTSQL -FULL -kl 28 -b KACSTSQL_1339941309 -jobid 106
    16:56:28.683 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: Module: libncf, Release: , Build: 03/30/2012 23:00:00 CDT (20120330)
    16:56:28.683 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: Windows version: 6.1.7601, Platform: 2 (Service Pack 1), Service pack: 1.0, Suite: 274, Product type: 3
    16:56:28.699 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: Process architecture: 9, Page size: 4096, Process type: 8, Process level: 8664, Processor revision: 15
    16:56:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: Current code page: WINDOWS: 1252  (ANSI - Latin I), Max. character width: 1, Substitution character: 0x3F [?], Unicode substitution character: 0x003f [?.]
    16:56:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - BACKUP START 9952
    16:56:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - CONTINUE BACKUP message received

    16:56:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - Processing C:\Program?Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\KACSTSQL_LOGS.bch
    16:57:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.
    16:58:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.
    16:59:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.
    17:00:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.
    17:01:28.715 [9952.7368] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.


  • Connection from client to bprd on master via port 1556 is unsuccessful:

    logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 508

    Check that Windows firewall on master and client is disabled. If client is in DMZ, check that port 1556 is open in both directions between master and client.

    We also see lots of TCP 10061 errors. Please have a look at TN   to see if it's applicable....



    BAD_VERSION; system: (10036) A blocking operation is currently executing. ; FROM TO BS-IT001-001 bprd VIA pbx
    status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO BS-IT001-001 bprd VIA vnetd
    status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO BS-IT001-001 bprd
    05:01:43.199 [2548.6300] <8> vnet_connect_to_service: [vnet_connect.c:215] connect_to_service() failed 18 0x12
    from the logs i can see that it tries to connect on or BS-IT001-001 that is my old server which is no more working as Master Server why is trying to connect to old server.  new server is
  • Check client Host Properties - ensure new Master is specified as Master.
    Seems your client still has old master listed as Master?

    **** EDIT **** Just remembered something else: Check SERVER entry in script as well.

    Thanks Marianne for helping me in resolving my issue. IT was script issue issue as old master server entry was present in all scripts so i changed to new master server and so far its working fine.


  • Glad I could help!

    Please mark Solution if the problem has been solved.