Forum Discussion

issmag's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

start backup with bp command


can we specify a policy name and schedule name, when we start a backup by bp menu ??

Master server :

OS/Release = Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64

Netbackup version on the master is :

Thanks in advance for your help and responses.



  • In order to star user initiated backups each policy need to have a lest one schedule with type "user backup".

    From the client you then run:

    bpbackup -p {name of policy} -s {name of user backup schedule} /data/to/backup

    from the master server you start a regular backup as if it was the master server using:

    bpbackup -i -p {name of policy} -s {name of schedule} 

    Data to backup is defined by the policy

    Hope it clarify

10 Replies

  • Nope, but you can using bpbackup on the command line:


    bpbackup <filenames> -p <policy> -s <schedule>



  • Unfortanly not in bpadm - but you can do it from command line:

    bpbackup -i -p <policy> -s <schedule>


  • I have used bpadm many years ago and was able to start policies manually from this text-based menu on the master server.
    See About the bpadm NetBackup management utility in NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II  

    'bp' is the client based text menu and is exquivalent to the Client BAR GUI. It provides User Backups/Archive and restore.

    If I may ask - why do you want to use a text based menu?
    Why not install Java Console on your desktop?


  • hello,

    i typed the command bpbackup -i -p <Policy name> -s <Schedule Name>, but at every time i get the error 240, "The appropriate schedule was not found in the specified policy..", the policy name and the schedule name are correct, because i copied them and passed them, but at every time i got this error. or, the command give "NONE" on Policy and schedule on the activity Monitor.

    @Mariane : the custumer won't to install Java on the linux client !


    i need to use bp command on a client server not on master.



  • Don't copy paste, try typing the command out.

    Sometime copy/ paste picks up 'formatting characters' that you can't see.

  • You cannot start a policy manually from a client.

    You can only start a User Backup from the client.

    bpbackup -i is the command that is run on NBU master to manually start a policy with 'normal' Full or Incr schedules.

    To run bpbackup from a client, you need a User type schedule in the policy with open window during which Client backups are allowed.

    In bpbackup command, you now specify the files/folders that you want to backup, or provide a filename that contains a list of files/folders:

    bpbackup -p <policy-name> -s <user-sched-name> <folder-name>
    bpbackup -p <policy-name> -s <user-sched-name> -f <filename-containing-paths>

  • And be aware that Netbackup on UNIX is CASE sensitive. 

    bpbackup -i -p EXAMPLE -s daily


    bpbackup -i -p example -s Daily

    Is not the same. And as Marianne already pointed out the -i option is only available on the master server unless you add the linux client to the master servers SERVER list in bp.conf

  • yes, i already added the client to the master, and we have a user schedule in the policy... should i creat a user policy for each schedule ? for example, user backup for daily, and user backup for weekly ...

    so, how can i specify it when run the bpbackup command ?

    thanks in advance.

  • In order to star user initiated backups each policy need to have a lest one schedule with type "user backup".

    From the client you then run:

    bpbackup -p {name of policy} -s {name of user backup schedule} /data/to/backup

    from the master server you start a regular backup as if it was the master server using:

    bpbackup -i -p {name of policy} -s {name of schedule} 

    Data to backup is defined by the policy

    Hope it clarify

  • Please show us the policy config on master that contains User Backup schedule for this client:

    bppllist <policy-name> -U

    Also tell us what you need to backup. We will help you with bpbackup command.

    You cannot have 'normal' Weekly and Daily backups in User schedules with Full and/or Incr type backups. User schedule will always be full and the retention in User schedule will be applied for expiration date.

    What is your intention with Daily and Weekly schedules with User type backup? 
    Just different retention?
    If so, create 2 User type schedules, call one something like Daily-User (type User Backup) and the other Weekly-User (type User Backup), each with own retention period.

    Call the relevant User schedule in the bpbackup command.