Forum Discussion

maxsven's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Status 59 “access to the client was not allowed”

Status 59 “access to the client was not allowed”

Your help would be much appreciated.

I have started getting backup failures for a group of UNIX clients after I pointed them to use a different media server.

Here is the situation

Netbackup, media and master run on Windows 2008 R2.
The Clients are grouped in one policy whose type is "Standard", Clients are all UNIX.
Policy uses SLP for destination backups.
The SLP was changed so the backups will use a different media server
The media server that was used before was "server1"
The new media server is "server2"
Telnet 2 way from client to both media servers over 1556 works ok
name resolution and reverse name resolution 2 way from and to client and both media servers and master server works OK
name resolution works for both host name and FQDN
Clients only have one NIC interface

bp.conf at the client end was changed so that media server is server2 as follows:

SERVER = MasterServerNameFQDN
CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 1 0 2

Every time I start the backup if Server2 was listed in bp.conf, the backup fails with status 59.
If I changed it back to Server1, it works.

If I go to media server2 and run:

bptestbpcd -client clientname -verbose

I get:

<16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(clientname) failed: 46
server not allowed access

This happens to all 4 UNIX clients grouped in this policy.

  • Question:

    How does client resolve media server's IP address?

    Check with this command on the client(s):
    bpclntcmd -ip <media-server-IP>

    This resolved hostname is what must be in client's bp.conf as SERVER or MEDIA_SERVER entry.

    You can also create bpcd log folder under netbackup/logs on all problematic clients.

    Next time the backup fails, you will be able to see how media server's IP address is resolved to hostname and then how the hostname is compared with SERVER and MEDIA_SERVER entries in bp.conf.

    Names must match EXACTLY (including case).

    server2 != Server2 != server2.fqdn

3 Replies

  • hi,

    first.. add both Media servers entiers in clients bp.conf file..

    SERVER = Media server 1

    SERVER = Mediaserver 2

    create a bpcd log dir in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/

    then run bptestbpcd from the Media server 2.. see how it goes..

    if it got failed.... check the bpcd log in the client and see what is the IP and Name its trying to use to communicate and add the same name in client bp.conf

    test it again..

    it should work..

  • I would suggest you to made below changes in "bp.conf" of client.
    SERVER = MasterServerNameFQDN 
    SERVER = server2 
    CLIENT_NAME = ClientNameFQDN 
    CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 1 0 2
    MEDIA_SERVER = server2 
    Note :  The server names you use should be the names as configured for backup  (as it should be "Backup interface name")
  • Question:

    How does client resolve media server's IP address?

    Check with this command on the client(s):
    bpclntcmd -ip <media-server-IP>

    This resolved hostname is what must be in client's bp.conf as SERVER or MEDIA_SERVER entry.

    You can also create bpcd log folder under netbackup/logs on all problematic clients.

    Next time the backup fails, you will be able to see how media server's IP address is resolved to hostname and then how the hostname is compared with SERVER and MEDIA_SERVER entries in bp.conf.

    Names must match EXACTLY (including case).

    server2 != Server2 != server2.fqdn