Forum Discussion

Chronos's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Status code 6 and 199 (DESPERATE HELP NEEDED!)

Guys, I've been battling for serveral months now a pesky problem related to SC 6 and 199 for two schedules of the same policy. Basically, every Saturday at around 5:30AM, one of my schedules fails invariably with SC 199, while the other completes successfully the first time, but fails about 12 min later with SC 6. I'm running on my master, and the client is Solaris 9.

This is how it looks like (pm**** is the client, pb***** is the master):

root@pb*******:/ # bpdbjobs | grep hdb-rman | more
339027         Backup   Done  199               hdb-rman            archivelogs_app    pm******                                      02/25/12 05:42:32                                         
339024         Backup   Done  199               hdb-rman            archivelogs_app    pm*****                                        02/25/12 05:31:32                                         
339023         Backup   Done    0               hdb-rman                archivelogs    pm***** pb*****      6141 02/25/12 05:30:00 02/25/12 05:31:02                                         
339021         Backup   Done    6               hdb-rman                archivelogs    pm***** pb*****      6698 02/25/12 05:41:43 02/25/12 05:42:52                                         

Notice the hours the two start schedules: 5:30AM for archivelogs and 5:31AM for archivelogs_app. I have already tried to implement the convoluted and unintelligible advice given for SC 199, to no avail. First I had tried to modify the schedule and it failed. Then I tried deleting the schedule altogether and recreate it manually, obviously that didn't do the trick either...

When I'm looking on the client (pm***) I notice this in the RMAN logs:

released channel: t1
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on t1 channel at 02/25/2012 05:31:41
ORA-19506: failed to create sequential file, name="arch_15502_1_776151085", parms=""
ORA-27028: skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error
ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
   VxBSACreateObject: Failed with error:
   Server Status:  operation not allowed during this time period

Recovery Manager complete.
RMAN command failure
Resetting exit status to 6

Sat Feb 25 05:31:42 GMT 2012 ------------End of Script-------------

In the past, I've also separated the schedules about 3 hours apart, absolutely nothing happened, it continued to pop up those errors...I've attached the detailed description of the policy, in case that helps.

I would be very grateful if you could show me what to do next. Thanks.

  • I am assuming that thus an application agent backup from the details - oracle So as well as your schedule it should have a default application schedule When your schedule kicks in it effectively tells the client to run a script that performs what is almost a user backup For that to run in needs the default application schedule in the policy and that schedule needs a window that is always open - so from midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday as a single window See Hope this helps (6.5 has strange application schedules so just check it has a single Window

8 Replies

  • I am assuming that thus an application agent backup from the details - oracle So as well as your schedule it should have a default application schedule When your schedule kicks in it effectively tells the client to run a script that performs what is almost a user backup For that to run in needs the default application schedule in the policy and that schedule needs a window that is always open - so from midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday as a single window See Hope this helps (6.5 has strange application schedules so just check it has a single Window
  • Client name appears twice in the policy?

    Client/HW/OS/Pri:  pm**** Solaris Solaris9 0 0 0 0 ?
    Client/HW/OS/Pri:  pm**** Solaris Solaris9 0 0 0 0 ?

    Two entries will be handled as if they are two different clients, resulting in same backup running twice.

    Please post output of bppllist <policy> -U.

    -U output gives a bit more user-friendly output than -L.

    Mark is right - we need to see open windows for Default-Application-Backup schedules. Any other schedule of type Automatic Full Backup will simply determine when the scheduler on the master will kick off the script on the client. The actual backup that is started by the script on the client now needs a Default-Application-Backup schedule with an open window. The default in NBU is to have this schedule open 24x7. Best to leave it this way, or at least to have its window correspond with the Automatic Full Backup.

  • Marianne, it's two different clients, but for obvious reasons I've hidden their names.

    I've attached how my policy was configured before I started modifying it (beware of the naming, they're for the two conflicting schedules), so here's what I don't understand: why would Symantec's advice say I need to clear out the calendar related schedule, when I didn't have anything of that kind selected in the first place?

    I've also attached the bppllist -U, as requested. Yes Mark, this is an Oracle-related backup policy, as suggested by the name (RMAN), sorry if I didn't make that clear from the debut.

    As a side note, *PLEASE* don't point me again to *ANY* documentation written by Symantec. I'm no newcomer to the storage world, I have a pretty lenghty experience with Linux/Solaris, EMC (NetWorker), HDS, NetApp, Exadata, StorageTek, SL500/SL8500 libraries and I've also worked with all sorts of Brocades, Infinibands, Cisco MDS or McData SAN switches, but out of the thousands and thousands of pages I had to read for the above to do my job, I find Symantec's to be by far the most difficult to comprehend (see the link in my first post as just one example). My experience with Symantec in general has gotten worse recently when I had to log a case with their support and still, it was I who eventually figured out why my OpsCenter wasn't working: Symantec's own anti-virus was blocking the agent...So again, if you care about my stress levels and don't want to completely mess up my endorphines, DON'T point me to any of their useless docs. I will provide you with any information you might need in order to get to the bottom of this.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Have a look at your Archivelog pair of schedules:

    Schedule:          archivelogs
        Type:            Automatic Full Backup
        Frequency:       every 1 day
        Daily Windows:
              Sunday     05:30:00  -->  Sunday     08:30:00
              Monday     05:30:00  -->  Monday     08:30:00
              Tuesday    05:30:00  -->  Tuesday    08:30:00
              Wednesday  05:30:00  -->  Wednesday  08:30:00
              Thursday   05:30:00  -->  Thursday   08:30:00
              Friday     05:30:00  -->  Friday     08:30:00
              Saturday   05:30:00  -->  Saturday   08:30:00
      Schedule:          archivelogs_app
        Type:            Application Backup
        Daily Windows:
              Sunday     11:30:00  -->  Sunday     24:00:00
              Saturday   08:30:00  -->  Sunday     11:30:00

    So, the explanation and advice in my previous post still applies:

    Automatic Full Backup will simply determine when the scheduler on the master will kick off the script on the client.
    The actual backup that is started by the script on the client now needs a Default-Application-Backup schedule with an open window. The default in NBU is to have this schedule open 24x7. Best to leave it this way, or at least to have its window correspond with the Automatic Full Backup.

  • Chronos - apologies for sending a link

    As I said in my initial response though it does look like it is the application backup schedule causing your issue - so try changing it to a single full window for the whole week as i suggested rather than let it have individual windows - I have seen some patch levels of 6.5 do this as i mentioned and rather than the default full week in a single window it puts a daily window in for each day and causes problems - delete what you have and create just one window

    Hope this sorts it out for you

  • ... you have shown sympathy for my endorphines, and for that I thank you :)) I will try to implement your advice and see how that goes. I'll keep you both posted next week.

  • Finally, after months of battling it out, I can close this dreadful chapter of my pathetic admin life...

    Thank you both for your quick and insightful replies! Marianne, I had to mark... Mark's answer as the solution, since he came first, but I truly and honestly appreciate your willingness to help and the detailed guidance, so I've voted your comments up ;)

  • CONGRATS to Mark!!  smiley yes  This solution has earned him his 5th red bar!!