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Luiz_Prina's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Steps to uninstall NBAC for Windows

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We had a failure for NBAC - status code 193 - and I wondering where I could find the uninstall steps for a Windows server.

  • Hello,

    At the end I went through the NBAC'S uninstall process. It leaded my to reboot my master server and follow the steps mentioned on the technote below:


    How to uninstall NBAC from NetBackup 7.1 and 7.5 Windows environments

     Configuring NBAC is located on page 153 in the below guide.

    Symantec NetBackup 7.5 Security and Encryption Guide

    It was frustrating playing the role of the Windows Installer to remove the NBAC. Let's see if our voice can be heared by Symantec.

7 Replies

  • Hello Marianne,


    Thank you. In fact we had the NBAC disabled due to a wrong entry in the host files. We have dns in our environment, but since we had the wrong entry in the host we had to set the USE_VXSS to PROHIBITED. I read a lot about it,  but I'm still considering removing it. Unfortunatelly we can't find good troubleshooting for NBAC.


    Thank you

  • I share your sentiment. 

    Each time I encountered NBAC it ended up in lengthy support calls with Symantec back-line engineers on the phone and Webex. Not to mention the lengthy email trail...

    I have even voiced my concern about the lack of documentation to a senior Product Manager during a one-on-one at Vision 2 years ago....

  • Hello,

    At the end I went through the NBAC'S uninstall process. It leaded my to reboot my master server and follow the steps mentioned on the technote below:


    How to uninstall NBAC from NetBackup 7.1 and 7.5 Windows environments

     Configuring NBAC is located on page 153 in the below guide.

    Symantec NetBackup 7.5 Security and Encryption Guide

    It was frustrating playing the role of the Windows Installer to remove the NBAC. Let's see if our voice can be heared by Symantec.

  • I tried the above tech note and the nbdb was not available after step 6.

    Support tried to help resolve but in the end i had to DR. :(

  • Sorry I laughed.
    I'll bet we are not the only victims of step 6.

    Seriously, if we have a third person come forward then we'd have three 6s.


    Let's see if our voice can be heared by Symantec.

    I sure hope someone from Symantec could hear you.

  • lol, it wasnt a good day.

    We have 3 previously built NBU domains which have varying dirty installs of NBAC that i need to remove and re-install properly but i do not know what and how it was done! All is well on the new systems i built with NBAC.