sts_close_handle failed: 2060019 error occurred on network socket
aam getting the error when trying to back up a server accross the firwall to MSDP pool with client dedupe enalbed
I have made the following changes
Putty onto Netbackup appliance and ruin the command below on command prompt.
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=900
remote client
Make the following as a registry file to import. It will create values to change the retry time on timed-out connections to 30 seconds (from a default of ~4 minutes); and a ~15 minute wait to check on established connections (default is hours-days).
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
the backups are still failing with error 87
These entries on Windows Client worked for a fellow Connect User:
Important to know what firewall timout is and set KeepAlive to a lower value than firewall timeout.