The Veritas Netbackup install was interrupted before it could be completed
Hi All, I'm attemptoing to Install the Veritas Netbackup Client 6.5 on a Windows 2000. The Installation fails with the folllowing errror:
The Veritas Netbackup install was interrupted before it could be completed
Log file attached.
I googled that error number and couldn't find anything.
I cant seem to get this working , the account used for the installion is a local adminstrator. The server has been rebooted. The windows installer upgraded to v3.
The setup.exe was run from the local C drive... Any help or suggestions would be HIGHLY appreciated!
as Marianne says... you really need to start using the laterst version of Netbackup and OS to to avoid any issues if future even you manage to install it.
and related to current error, see if below one works ...not sure if it work of 2000 you got to try and test it
a. Open a Command Prompt by clicking on the Start button, and selecting Run, and typing "command" and pressing Enter.
b. Change to the C:\Windows\System32 directory.
c. Enter the following command: regsvr32 scrrun.dll and press Enterd. Retry the installation of the NetBackup.
"may be you need to try in \winnt\system32 since its win 2000"