Forum Discussion

RXZrider's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to open robotic path

Hi Experts,


I have a media server to which a HP auto loader is connected. It was working fine, but from past 2 days the robot initialization is failing.

From the device manager of Media server both the changer and drive is visible.

When i run scan command, none is visible.

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>


Event viewer application logs has 2 errors below.

1. Event 5691, Netbackup TLD Daemon

TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to open robotic path


2. Event 5127, Netbackup TLD control Daemon

TLD(0) [9592] Could not find SCSI coordinates MISSING_PATH:MXA110Z0K5 in the registry



  • Delete medium changer and tape drive(s) in Device Manager and rescan. Do they come back?

    The fact that nothing is reported by 'scan' command means that the robot/drive is not responding to scsi commands. 

    Have you tried to power-cycle the robot?

    Any errors in Event Viewer System log?

8 Replies

  • Delete medium changer and tape drive(s) in Device Manager and rescan. Do they come back?

    The fact that nothing is reported by 'scan' command means that the robot/drive is not responding to scsi commands. 

    Have you tried to power-cycle the robot?

    Any errors in Event Viewer System log?

  • You lost SCSI connectivity with the robot - not a Netbackup problem. Hardware issue.

  • Marianne and Nicolai got it. If your not sure how to troubleshoot that, TECH38829 can give you some ideas. 

    Look in the device manager, make sure your robot and drives are seen there. If you see them, try completey removeing and readding them.  Also check to see if you have any phantom drives, remove them as well. Once windows sees them, NetBackup can too.

  • Thank you all. Will check doing this.


    However i assume removing and adding back the device will need a reboot of the media server to which the autoloader is attached?

  • A device rescan should be fine. IF all is well with the robot.

    Power-cycle the robot and check that it is fully up, then remove the devices from Device Manager and then rescan.

    Keep an eye on System log in Windows Event Viewer while doing all of this.

    If scan still does not see devices after all of this, log a call with your hardware vendor.

  • The Media changer was un-installed and installed from Device manager followed by the reboot of the device host. It worked fine. Thanks Marianne and all for inputs. :) cheers!!!

  • Glad all is fine now!

    Please keep an eye on Windows System log if problems are seen again - there may be an issue with the hardware. Getting old perhaps?

    I have seen similar problems at a customer site - tape library had to be rebooted on a regular basis when connection from OS was lost.

    It was eventually replaced with a new library.