Unable to delete tape library. error 196.
Hi All,
i encounter network read failed when i was trying to perform backup.
since this only happen to one of my media agent. ( i got 2 media agent, 1 is EMM server that is attach to MSL01, another is media agent server attach t MSL02), i suspected the issue is with my connection.
since ping and rdp didnt find any issue, i decided to delete MSL02 and read it back to EMM server.
unfortunaly i encounter with below error.
as suggested by the forum, i edited the registry and remove all other media server except for master server.
after reboot, ebemmcmd -getemmserver still showing media server
i still cant delete the media library and VTL attach to this library also not able to communicated to EMM server.
can someone advice how should i proceed? i just wanna delete this tape library and readd the tape library.
media library are free to be rebooted. im open for any suggestion
When I've had issues with devices not being able to be removed, I generaly find that the following command, will allow you to removed them... (with the options below it will remove ALL devices, so if there is more libraries / drives configured you will need to recreate all of them again....)
nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords
You can also look to delete devices for a specific machine too....
nbemmcmd -deletealldevices [-allrecords] [-emmname <string>] [-emmport <unsigned integer>]
[-machinename <string>]
[-machinetype <api | app_cluster | app_server | appliance | client | cloudpoint_server | cluster | disk_array | foreign_media | master | media | nbwss_endpoint | ndmp | remote_master | replication_host | virtual_machine>]