Unable to disable nbemm logs
Hi All,
We are unable to disable the nbemm logs. I tried below commands and checked the nblog.conf file and the command is taking effect but still the logs are generating.
Ran below command
>vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 111 -s DebugLevel=0 -s DiagnosticLevel=0
Checked the settings with below command
vxlogcfg -l -o nbemm -p NB
Also, checked the nblog.conf file, the command is taking effect and DebugLevel and DiagnosticLevel is set to 0. But still the logs are generating.
Any suggestion.
Is it possible to delete the nbemm log folder, also how we can delete the folder.
unified logs can not be disabled.. nbemm is one of those
even if we delete the log directory it will create it again and start writing it..
only thing that you can do is.. manage it.. in terms of size, number of files & level of logging..
use the below commands to mange it..
to manage the size of the unified logs for nbemm
vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 111 -s RolloverMode=FileSize -s MaxLogFileSizeKB=51200 ( you can change the file size based on your need)
to mange the number of nbemm log files( you can chage the number of files based on your need)
vxlogcfg -a -p 50936 -o 111 -s NumberOfLogFiles=5
vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 111 -s LogRecycle=true --> to remove the old files once it reach the number of logfiles limit
to mange the level of logging
vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 111 -s DebugLevel=5 -s DiagnosticLevel=5
you can do this for all unified logs by using -o default instead of nbpem origionator id
referece :-