Forum Discussion

sasa_m's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

unable to obtain list of files using specified search criteria netbackup

Hi there

I am facing an issue here with my vmware backups and maybe someone can help me.

Here is configuration:
master server -solaris 10

media server - windows 2008R2

netbackup 7.1

vmware version 5.5

policy type flashbackup-windows

In this policy there are 4 VMs

2 of them have vmtools in older version (prior to vmware migration from 4 to 5.5) and they show no error when trying to check what to restore in file and folder tree view

Other 2 had 3rd party ones (all 4 are some kind of linux boxes) and showed error stated in title of this post

I faced the error when those 2 had 3rd party vmtools installed and thought that that was the reason. I installed current vmtools, but  I still face the same error.


Interesing thing is, when I choose to restore from virtual machine backup, I do get whole vmdk file available for those 2 machines that show error (this proves that I can restore whole VM, rather than specific files and folders from this client).

I've checked and client name appears in console in capital letter (the same it appears in vmware infrastructure and I am stating the same name in BAR console).

Any thoughts?




3 Replies

  • VMware 5.5 is supported since NetBackup only. You will need to upgrade.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I've searched internet and could not find specific table that shows compatibility among versions.

    Can you please direct me to some official page or PDF that states such a thing in order to pursuade customer that netbackup update is required.

    Thank you again







    Found it