Forum Discussion

Yet's avatar
Level 5
7 years ago

unable to resolve host to ip during appliance initial configuration


I'm configuring a new 5240 appliance as media server. Everything has been followed according to Appliance Initial Configuration Guide, but i'm failing on role configuration part as shown on attached screenshot. I was able to ping and nslookup between master server and this new appliance so i guess i can rule out dns issue, both server are on the same network segment. All required ports are open from both sides. Security level on master server is set to HIGH, tried MEDIUM as well but no luck.

Windows Master Server is 8.1.1, 5240 Appliance came with 3.1.

If you can't see the screenshot, here's snippet from it,

>> do you trust the certificate? [yes, no] yes

- [Info] Deploying the CA certificate...

- [Info] Checking the host-ID based certification deployment...

- [Error] Cannot resolve the host name to your IP address. Check your DNS settings.

Any ideas?

  • Yet's avatar
    7 years ago

    Yes, please review entry of ip address and hostname on DNS & hosts file ensuring it resolves properly, then run "bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache" on Appliance, then run configuration again. 

  • Also, is there a log where this configuration is being written to in the Appliance? So i can see more of that error.

    • Tousif's avatar
      Level 6



      The hostname is not resolving the ip address. Confirm the hostname by using the uname -a 

      Make sure the correct IP mapped with hosts name in /etc/hosts file.


      Note: Linux is case sensitive upper and lower case difference also consider a different name.


      • Yet's avatar
        Level 5

        Thanks Tousif.

        nslookup from both master & appliance resolved forward and reverse lookup. etc/hosts file of both master and applaince has entries of both system.  

        i think the part where CA certificate gets deployed means appliance master resolves appliance. 

        i'm just not quite sure wha'ts happening at this point of "checking host id-based deployment" that it's saying cannot resolve, cannot resolve where? what else i need to check aside from what's mentioned on the Guide.