Forum Discussion

AndrewPilgrim's avatar
12 years ago

Upgrade Redhat Oracle Server Agent


We have to upgrade 4 Redhat Linux servers from their current client version of 7.0.1 to to match the Master/Media server in an attempt to see if this helps fix a problem we have with them failing with Status 24 errors. Its been suggested to us that we do this by Symantec Support.And once again i am stumped by what should be a simple piece of work.

I realise we have to go to the major release first (7.1) and from there apply the upgrade to take us to My question is around the procedure. Can we just run the install for 7.1 and it will upgrade to that and then do the same for the upgrade or do we have to remove the existing client software first, then re-install from scratch?  If we do have to remove the current version apart from bp.conf is there anything else you would recommend we take a copy of before hand to use as reference after the upgrade?

I've done some digging around and find nothing to give me a definative answer on this.

And with these being Oracle servers do we need to worry about this as part of the upgrade? I assume we don't, and that as part of the Redhat client install it will do whatever is required?


  • I am marking this thread as solved. I cannot tell you exactly what happened as it was solved when i was away on holiday. Not sure how they removed and installed the 7.1 client but by doing this it instantly solved our Error 24s we were seeing. Why? No idea but it did.

11 Replies

  • I am marking this thread as solved. I cannot tell you exactly what happened as it was solved when i was away on holiday. Not sure how they removed and installed the 7.1 client but by doing this it instantly solved our Error 24s we were seeing. Why? No idea but it did.