Forum Discussion

FlyMountain's avatar
9 years ago

Use Amazon cloud for remote sites backups

We are planning to use Amazon Cloud (Web Services) to back up our remote sites. Hope someone can share your experience with us. We are currently on NBU

1).  Is the Amazon Colud a good chioce for us? Symantec does support a few clould vendors.

2).  I assume we will still need network connections from all remote clients to master and media servers. Is there any cloud option to allow to backup remote hosts to it without network reqirement to master and media servers?

3). which one is better, local remote site or central media server? Since some remote sites are really small, we are planing to use one central server to back up multiple sites.

4. I heard NBU cloud does support Accelerator option but not deduplication (client & server) option. can someone confirm?


2 Replies

  • What are your restore requirements? What is expected time to restore? What are your retentions? What is your pipe from remote sites to interwebs? What type of clients...file, database, etc.?? Do your clients meet requirements for client side dedupe? Yes, accelerator js supported using S3 object buckets. To store dedupe, you would basically setup a "roll your own " MSDP media server in AWS per the technote in other post. This is different from S3 as MSDP requires local disk like speed. You ultimately want to send less and store less.