Use of Scratch pool
We have 3-tier NBU in our organization with 115 client server, 8 drive HP robotic library and 20hrs busy schedule.
NBU 7.0.1 (Master Server)
NBU 7.0 (Media Server)
We have 90 polices for all these servers and 40 volume pools according to application and types of backup.
I cam across scratch pool in netbackup, and heard that it can help me avoiding 96 error as i'm facing this issue randomely, despite of media being invetoried.
Can anyone brief about use of scratch pool and it's management.
Below is my requirement.
how netbackup searched media i.e. flow
1>assigned pool
2> netbackup
3>scratch .is this order correct.
does any notification or alert comes with media ID and policy name if tapes are used from scratch pool instead of assigned pool. This is our majority requirement as we are given media's by different app owner. and pools are created accordingly.
Sorry Vaibhav, I can't share with you the entire script, but I can provide you what commands we used in it:
# bpimagelist -media -idonly -hoursago 144 -st full ==> Retrieve all full backup mediaID used in last 144 hours (6 days).
For daily report, you can use -hoursago 24 and exclude -st, that would give you all full/incr/cinc. Depend on your requirement.
In my script, as we want to offiste the full backup media, we use:
# vmquery -l -m <mediaID>
for those mediaID we found in first command output, that would give us the slot number in the library and what volume pool they belong.
Hope this helps.