Forum Discussion

matt077's avatar
Level 5
8 years ago

Vmware backups with multiple disks fail with status 12

Hi all,

I seem to have a odd, problem, Vmware clients which have more then one disk fail with status 12 file open failed. We can see the boot disk gets backed up but when it starts to backup the data disk (2nd drive) the backup fails with status 12.  From the logs we see the below -

05/02/2017 13:53:23 - Error bpbrm (pid=100388) from client ERR - Cannot open file <vix>[vmware-storage] clientname/clientname_1-000002.vmdk error = 25

If we run a backup of just the data disk or just the boot disk then the backup runs fine.

Master, media and client is running NBU version 7.7.3. Master and media server is Windows 2012 R2 standard and client is solaris 11.3

Anyone else had this problem at all? suppport and google have all come to a dead end currerntly

For a temp fix, we have created two vmware policies, one for data disks and one for boot disks..... not ideal really.

  • Seems we found the problem. Seems 7.7.3 uses a version of VDDK (6.0.0) which has a bug where VixDiskLib crashes with our version of VMware.

    VDDK version 6.0.2 is where this was fixed. This code wont be implement until Netbackup 8.0

    update from Support -

    Looking at above error this is a VixDiskLib crash problem, which Vmware has identified and fixed it.
    It is a VMware issue that they recently fixed and we won't implement the VMware code until NetBackup 8.0.

    The errors we saw was the same in the below Tech doc -

10 Replies

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  • Hi,

    Give us more information about your environment, Vcenter version, Transport Mode etc.



    • matt077's avatar
      Level 5

      Vcenter is running version and the ESXi hosts are running 6.0.0, 4192238
      Transport type is nbd which is being used for this policy.

      We have a number of VMs we backup which run fine. We have about 5 tho which keep failing with status 12.


      • Thiago_Ribeiro's avatar


        Have you confirmed that the Linux version on the VM is supported?

        See Supported VMware/Hyper-V guest operating systems in Statement of Support for NetBackup 7.x in a Virtual

        Im not sure if this version is suported. As you said this problem happens only with small number of VMs maybe this could be the problem.

