Forum Discussion

Ankit_Maheshwar's avatar
11 years ago

Want to know Netbackup Client uninstall procedure.

Want to know Netbackup Client uninstall procedure. 


# uname

#cat /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version
NetBackup-RedHat2.6 6.5




#df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                       26G   22G  2.1G  92% /
tmpfs                1012M  360K 1011M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             485M   31M  429M   7% /boot







  • Same as for Unix clients.

    See NBU 6.5 Installation Guide: 

    Removing UNIX NetBackup client software
    If you remove NetBackup from a machine with the NetBackup-Java Display Console installed, the console is also removed.
    To remove UNIX NetBackup client software
    1 Log in to the client system as the root user.
    2 Navigate to the /usr/openv directory.
    ■ If /usr/openv is a physical directory, run the following command: rm -rf /usr/openv
    ■ If /usr/openv is a link, run the following commands: cd /usr/openv
    rm -rf *
    cd /
    rm -f /usr/openv

    Remove NetBackup entries in the client’s /etc/servicesfile. Locate the lines, marked by the following strings and delete them:
    # NetBackup services#
    # End NetBackup services #



    See above manual for the rest of the steps.


1 Reply

  • Same as for Unix clients.

    See NBU 6.5 Installation Guide: 

    Removing UNIX NetBackup client software
    If you remove NetBackup from a machine with the NetBackup-Java Display Console installed, the console is also removed.
    To remove UNIX NetBackup client software
    1 Log in to the client system as the root user.
    2 Navigate to the /usr/openv directory.
    ■ If /usr/openv is a physical directory, run the following command: rm -rf /usr/openv
    ■ If /usr/openv is a link, run the following commands: cd /usr/openv
    rm -rf *
    cd /
    rm -f /usr/openv

    Remove NetBackup entries in the client’s /etc/servicesfile. Locate the lines, marked by the following strings and delete them:
    # NetBackup services#
    # End NetBackup services #



    See above manual for the rest of the steps.