Forum Discussion

Karthikeyan_Sun's avatar
16 years ago

What and How is NetBackup 7

Hello Guys,

I hope you are started evaluating NetBackup 7.0. It have lot of new features. Here are some of them.

New features:

Integrated deduplication
■ Client deduplication
■ Media server deduplication
■ OpsCenter
■ Convergence of NOM and VBR
■ Improved ease-of-use
■ Additional base reporting functionality
■ Direct upgrade path
■ Expanded and simplified deployment
■ OpsCenter Analytics
■ Turnkey operation to enable advanced, business reporting
■ Improved reporting features
■ NetBackup for VMware
■ Fully integrated with VMware vStorage APIs
■ New VM and file recovery from incremental backups
■ New recovery wizard
■ Tighter vCenter integration
■ Guided Recovery
■ New database agents and enhancements to existing agents
■ Exchange 2010 support
■ Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2 client support
■ Enhancements to the NetBackup Enterprise Vault agent
- Support all Enterprise Vault 8.0 databases using the Enterprise Vault
Agent including the Fingerprint database, FSA Reporting database, and
Auditing database
- Enterprise Vault 8.0 support for granular quiescence
- Enterprise Vault Migrator is now included with NetBackup
■ Enhancements to the NetBackup for Hyper-V agent
- New file-level incremental backups
- Two types of off-host backup
- Hyper-V R2 and Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)
- Flexible VM identification
■ Improved SharePoint Granular Recovery
■ New platform proliferation
■ NetBackup 7.0 supported platforms
■ NetBackup 7.0 feature notifications

Known Issues:

  • Domain is OpsCenterusers@domain not NOMBuiltin@domain ; that is an error in the documentation.  The userid and password are admin and password
  • Master server version reports NetBackup 3.4 incorrectly
  • After Windows Reboot, OpsCenter fails to start.  Fix is to Restart the Authentication Service then start the OpsCenter Services.
  • Pop-Up Blocker prevents the OpsCenter interface from initializing.  Turn off Pop-Up blocker to run OpsCenter.
  • On 64 bit windows systems, OpsCenter install or upgrade might fail. Install "VC2005 x86" from the DVD (<DVD Drive>\x86\Server\Prerequisites\vcredist_x86.exe)
  •  If OpsCenter installation failed due to any reason, the roolback and cleanup may not happen correctly in some scenarios. The fix is to execute the command “  SC DELETE OPSCENTERSERVER”
  • The Windows/Solaris installation will fail if the OpsCenter host is not part of any domain name. (host is not qualified with a suffix such as “”)  Workaround:  The solution is to add a domain suffix and then re-install
  • Drive throughput and Drive utilization reports don’t work in some scenarios
  • Creation of a custom report doesn’t work if user chooses Absolute timeframe option
  •  Deduplication reports (Size factor,  Protected Size vs. Backed up Size, Size Savings reports) don’t work in a PDDE environment. They only work in a standalone PureDisk environment.

I wanted all of guys to share new experience in working Netbackup 7.0.

Share us the New Finding/Errors.