Forum Discussion

Anurag_Sharma's avatar
12 years ago

What is the difference between "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" and "bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup " ??

What is the difference between "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" and "bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup " ??



We upgraded from to and as per the NetBackup Upgrade Guide (version 8) we ran "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" to start phase two of the migration and it did complete sucessfully. We verified this by running

install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings -brief -machinename masterservername If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = “0” migration sucessful


However I came across following technote

which guides us to run "bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup "


I tried veryfying the same in NetBackup upgrade guide and it was not there. This is very disappointing that two symantec documents showing different commands. This needs to be clarifed.


Anothe problem I'm facing is when we run bpgetconfing command we are getting the argument LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS  =  "YES" this should not be the case as migration was sucessful.


  • punetir ...


     Prunes the true image restore (TIR) information from   the specified clients. The default is all clients.
    I think this is simply starting a cleanupjob, that will cause the images to migrate, in the comand given it will remove the TIR info, but the end result, is just starting a imagecleanup.
    You need to consider this.
    "We upgraded from to and as per the NetBackup Upgrade Guide (version 8) we ran "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" to start phase two of the migration and it did complete sucessfully. We verified this by running

    install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings -brief -machinename masterservername If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = “0” migration sucessful"

    The TN is explaining about what to do if the image migration has not completed, but it has, you correctly did the steps in the upgrade guide.

    Therefore there is no need to start finding other commands to run.  The upgrade guide is correct, you did the steps, it worked.

    In the event that it does not, that is when the technotes come in.  The information in all the technotes is NOT going to be added to the manuals, because the manuals would become to big. 


7 Replies

  • I'll have to look into this:

    bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup 

    will report back later.

    At the correct way to check is to run nbemmcmd command like you did.  THis is the final answer you need.

    The bpgetconfig command ( LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS  =  "YES" ) is N/A at , just ignore it (which is why the documents say use nbemmcmd  command).

    If I recall correctly, it is not easy to remove the entry in bpgetconfig due to the way this command is written.

    It is NOT ideal I agree, but at the moment, there is nothing that can be done about it.

    At the documentation says to use nbemmcmd, it does not say to use bpgetconfig.


  • punetir ...


     Prunes the true image restore (TIR) information from   the specified clients. The default is all clients.
    I think this is simply starting a cleanupjob, that will cause the images to migrate, in the comand given it will remove the TIR info, but the end result, is just starting a imagecleanup.
    You need to consider this.
    "We upgraded from to and as per the NetBackup Upgrade Guide (version 8) we ran "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" to start phase two of the migration and it did complete sucessfully. We verified this by running

    install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings -brief -machinename masterservername If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = “0” migration sucessful"

    The TN is explaining about what to do if the image migration has not completed, but it has, you correctly did the steps in the upgrade guide.

    Therefore there is no need to start finding other commands to run.  The upgrade guide is correct, you did the steps, it worked.

    In the event that it does not, that is when the technotes come in.  The information in all the technotes is NOT going to be added to the manuals, because the manuals would become to big. 


  • Mph,

    Thanks a lot for your time on this. I really appricate this.

    I'm sorry to say but I'm going to disagree with you both fronts Technical & Otherwise.


    First Technical:

    Output of  "bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup "

    7/21/2012 11:40:35 PM - Info bpdbm(pid=5288) Cleaning up tables in the relational database     
    7/21/2012 11:40:35 PM - Info bpdbm(pid=5288) deleting images which expire before Sat Jul 21 23:40:34 2012 (1342928434) 
    7/21/2012 11:51:28 PM - Info nbdelete(pid=13340) deleting expired images. Media Server: MPS6647 Media: @aaaa0    
    7/21/2012 11:51:28 PM - requesting resource @aaaa0
    7/21/2012 11:51:28 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaa0;DiskVolume=mps6647-bkp;DiskPool=mps6647-bkp;Path=mps6647-bkp;StorageServer=fdyddsvr001-10g;MediaServer=FDYRS606
    7/21/2012 11:51:29 PM - Info bpdm(pid=6080) started           
    7/21/2012 11:51:29 PM - started process bpdm (6080)

    7/22/2012 12:03:10 PM - Info bpdbm(pid=5288) deleted 3219 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 3626 expired copies
    the requested operation was partially successful(1)

    Time Taken : 12 hrs 3 mins


    Output of  ""bpimage -cleanup -allclients"

     7/22/2012 12:45:06 AM - Info bpdm(pid=10024) started           
    7/22/2012 12:45:06 AM - started process bpdm (10024)
    7/22/2012 12:45:09 AM - begin
    7/22/2012 12:45:10 AM - Info nbdelete(pid=20692) deleting expired images. Media Server: MPS6647 Media: @aaaao    
    7/22/2012 12:45:10 AM - requesting resource @aaaao
    7/22/2012 12:45:10 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaao;DiskVolume=fdyddsvr001-bkp-lsu;DiskPool=fdyddsvr001-bkp-lsu;Path=fdyddsvr001-bkp-lsu;StorageServer=fdyddsvr001-10g;MediaServer=FDYRS606
    7/22/2012 12:45:14 AM - end ; elapsed time: 00:00:05
    the requested operation was successfully completed(0)


    Time Taken :02 seconds

    As you can see mph the difference lies in the first line.

    -prunetir clears up tables in NBDB Database but is that the only thing it does no it clears up some images as well

    7/22/2012 12:03:10 PM - Info bpdbm(pid=5288) deleted 3219 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 3626 expired copies
    the requested operation was partially successful(1)


    So the above two operations are different in -prunetir command.

    Mph we need to find out what the benefit of those two operations provide.


    Second, Otherwise :

    Mannual would be too big !!! you must be kidding dont talk about sizes did you know it takes less time to install 7.5 then to install just 7.5.03 patch.

    Symantec is not sending paper mannuals (unlike veritas) which is good.

    Size of mannual insignificant here what matters in product understanding


    I hope you will dive in and get me the answers.




  • My answer is correct.

    If you have a 7.5 system, that has not yet run an image cleanup, then no images are migrated yet.

    If you run either command ... it will start the migration.

     "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" and "bpimage -prunetir -allclients -cleanup "

    The commands are the same, apart from the -punetir option, which according to the manual page will 'prune' the tir info.

    I never said that the -punetir version of the command didn't clear up images, because your question was about image migration, or so I thought, in which case, in terms of starting off an image migration I believe my answer is correct.

    As you have shown, there is a difference in the commands as seen, the punetir version reports that it cleans up the relational DB,  by runing a test you see a difference.

    I don't control the manuals, but I can tell you that not ever command mentioned in technotes that is not specifcally mentioned in the guides, is going to be added - I don't control this, I'm just telling you how it is.

    I don't have a system available to test this on, so I cannot say exactly why the technote mentions the punetir option specifically, having searched the internal DB, it doesn't seem to be explained (apart from that one TN).

    (EDITTED )

    The only thing I can think of, is by removing TIR information, there is slightly less info to migrate into the DB, which is why it states it will be quicker.  Although there are two mehods of migration, guided and simple, there is no change in migration due to the exact options used if it is started with the bpimage command.

    ...  but  .... pruning the TIR info removes details from the catalog .f file, which is not part of the data migrated into EMM, so this would have no effect.

    So, there is no clear reason why the -prunetirr option is specified, I cannot see any reason why it would make any difference compared with just running bpimage -cleanup -allclients


  • Still looking into this ...

    So far, diff between commands is that prunetir removes the 'tir' info from the .f files, making the catalog smaller (this info is also writen to tape, so is still available).

    In terms of what this does for the migration, seemingly nothing at the moment, as the .f file contents aren't sent to the EMM database during the migration anyway.


  • I am correct, the punetir option in the Tn has no effect.

    It looks like the TN will be removed, or editted - that is out of my control.

    Hope this answers the question.



  • Hello mph,

    I'm trying to get clarity on my status then.  I've upgraded from 6.5.2 to  I get the following results in the Detailed Status:

    10/31/2012 10:13:22 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) image catalog cleanup
    10/31/2012 10:13:22 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) Importing flat file image headers into the database.
    10/31/2012 10:13:22 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:00] Initiating import for client: Inside
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:01] Finished importing images for client: Inside with 14 imported, 0 skipped, 0 corrupt.
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:01] Overall progress: 14 images imported, 0 skipped, 0 corrupt.  Import rate = 14 images/sec
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:01] Initiating import for client: backup
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:01] Finished importing images for client: backup with 101 imported, 0 skipped, 0 corrupt.
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) [000:00:01] Overall progress: 115 images imported, 0 skipped, 0 corrupt.  Import rate = 115 images/sec
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) Finished importing all images into the database.  (Count = 115)
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) Cleaning up tables in the relational database
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Warning bpdbm (pid=16480) Hot catalog backup is not configured for 'backup', catalog cleanup will return partial success until hot catalog backup is configured.
    10/31/2012 10:13:23 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) deleting images which expire before Wed Oct 31 11:13:22 2012 (1351696402)
    10/31/2012 10:13:24 - Info bpdbm (pid=16480) deleted 6 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 0 expired copies
    the requested operation was partially successful  (1)

    However, as other posters have indicated when I run the command to determine if my phase 2 migration has completed:  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpgetconfig

    The results "LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = YES" indicates it was not successful.  You said to disregard this because it is N/A for

    However, the documentation indicates the following:


    11 To complete phase 2 of the image metadata migration, run the following
    clean-up command and wait for the image clean-up job to complete:
    ■ On UNIX systems:
    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimage -cleanup -allclients
    ■ On Windows systems:
    install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimage -cleanup
    Use the Activity Monitor to view the progress. If the clean-up job completes
    with a status of zero, proceed to the next step.
    Note: To view the progress details of phase 2 migration, refer to the following
    topic: See “About monitoring the phase 2 migration process” on page 30.
    If the job status is not zero, do the following:
    ■ On UNIX systems:
    ■ On Windows systems:
    If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = NO, phase 2 has completed.
    You can proceed to the next step.
    If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = YES, phase 2 has not completed.
    You must re-run bpimage -cleanup -allclients and wait for it to complete.
    Then, re-run bpgetconfig LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS.
    If the result still shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = YES, contact Symantec
    Technical Support.

