12 years agoLevel 4
what's the difference of bp.kill_all and netbackup stop
Hi All experts,
I encounter a questions that what's difference of the "bp.kill_all" and "netbackup stop" commands in NBU7.5.
These two commands can both stop the NBU process in the Linux/Unix platform.
But what's difference about them?
Could you please kindly show your light on this stupid question?
Best Regards
bp.kill_all is the administrator "die now" netbackup command where as "netbackup star / stop" is the script called upon OS shutdown / reboot.
You cold say "netbackup" is the graceful way top stop netbackup and bp.kill_all is less graceful but really handy if "netbackup stop" doesn't do the job.
Test the command out as Marianne suggested.