Forum Discussion

girish_nair1984's avatar
12 years ago

Write Error:

Hi friends

When I am trying to login into Netbackup Master using /usr/openv/java/jnbSA &. I am getting an error

[1] 12053

/bin/echo : write error : No Space left on device

/bin/echo : write error : No Space left on device


How to solve this error



  • You don't have a separate /usr partition, meaning NBU is installed in / partition.

    Look for log files/folders in NBU consuming large amount of space.

    7.6 GB is hardly big enough for / (OS) alone, definitely NOT big enough for NBU as well.

10 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    No space and write failed.

    Ran out of space on the client you are running the interface on. use df -h and see if any filesystems are 100% used (except usual /proc and any mounted media cdrom)


  • It looks like you have no spance on the disk, as a guess ...

    OS issue, not NBU issue.


  • As per previous 2 posts - seems /usr on your master server is 100% full. 

    Could be / filesystem too - 'df -h' output will confirm.

    Have you enabled high level logging and forgot to turn it off? 

    Stop NetBackup and check size of folders in the filesystem that is 100% full.
    If NBU filesystem, logs are safe to remove. NEVER remove anything in netbackup/db/images folder.

  • Dear friends.

    Please find the log file generated

    DISPLAY environment variable is set to: :1.0
    Console was started on:
        Linux his1 2.6.18-194.17.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Sep 20 07:12:06 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Command line options were:

    Starting administration console version 7.0.


    java version "1.6.0_17"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01, mixed mode)

    Connecting to vnetd service over PBX port = 1556
    Acknowledgement from PBX1

  • Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                          7.6G  7.6G     0 100% /
                          4.8G  527M  4.0G  12% /or_export
                          4.8G  639M  3.9G  14% /var
                          1.9G  442M  1.4G  25% /home
                          961M   18M  894M   2% /tmp
                          7.6G  5.3G  2.0G  73% /drive/or
    /dev/sda1              97M   19M   73M  21% /boot
    tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
                           20G  3.6G   15G  20% /drive/xyz
                          823G  635G  163G  80% /or_data

    /or_/ partition is related to oracle partition and /drive/ is related to system files.

  • /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01   7.6G  7.6G     0 100% /

    File system / (the root file system) is full. Either extend the file system or free some space. First look for files called "core" (do a "file" to check if it's really a core file) and either delete them or move them to another system for analysis. Then look files in /tmp and delete unessary files.

    Best Regards


  • You don't have a separate /usr partition, meaning NBU is installed in / partition.

    Look for log files/folders in NBU consuming large amount of space.

    7.6 GB is hardly big enough for / (OS) alone, definitely NOT big enough for NBU as well.