Forum Discussion

SherbertPunt's avatar
11 years ago

Adding Shared Storage - Possible Inconsistancy?

Hi Folks,

Can you clarify my understandinging?

I have added an extra disk into a server, however when I view it from mylittleexpensiveserver02 I get a different view see below

DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
disk_0       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
fas31400_1   auto:cdsdisk    netbackup02  netbackup    online thinrclm nohotuse
fas31400_2   auto:cdsdisk    netbackup01  netbackup    online thinrclm nohotuse
fas31400_3   auto:cdsdisk    netbackup03  netbackup    online thinrclm
fas31400_4   auto            -            -            error
[root@server01 ~]# 
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
disk_0       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
fas31400_1   auto:cdsdisk    -            (netbackup)  online thinrclm
fas31400_2   auto:cdsdisk    -            (netbackup)  online thinrclm
fas31400_3   auto            -            -            error
fas31400_4   auto:cdsdisk    -            (netbackup)  online thinrclm
[root@server02 ~]# 
group           resource             system               message             
--------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                                     server01      RUNNING             
                                     server02      RUNNING             
nbu                                  server01      ONLINE              
nbu                                  server02      OFFLINE             
                nbu_dg               server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_dg               server02      OFFLINE             
                nbu_ip               server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_ip               server02      OFFLINE             
                nbu_mount            server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_mount            server02      OFFLINE             
                nbu_server           server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_server           server02      OFFLINE             
                nbu_CISN-STOR-UNIX_proxy server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_CISN-STOR-UNIX_proxy server02      ONLINE              
                nbu_bond0_proxy      server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_bond0_proxy      server02      ONLINE              
                nbu_ie1csnap002_proxy server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_ie1csnap002_proxy server02      ONLINE              
                nbu_vol              server01      ONLINE              
                nbu_vol              server02      OFFLINE  

I dont understand why I am seeing different views of the storage unless server02 is looking at it down a different scsi bus?

Any help appreciated



4 Replies

  • Hi Steve,

    On server 1

    fas31400_4   auto            -            -            error

    & on Server 2

    fas31400_3   auto            -            -            error

    both above might be same disks however names are appearing different. I am saying this because I see other three Netbackup disks available already. The numbering here depends on how the device tree was built by operating system & then by veritas in same order.

    If you want to make sure that above are same disks, you can run a /etc/vx/diag.d/vxscsiinq  command on these disks to find their serial number. If these disks are same, their serial numbers should be same.

    As the disks are appearing in error state, it is possible that paths to disks are inaccessible. Paste below output  to confirm

    server01 # vxdisk list fas31400_4

    server02# vxdisk list fas31400_3

    Were these devices labelled at operating system ?  what is the OS version & vxvm version ?



  • Hi G


    It looks like we have found the inconsistancy

    --------- Decoded Inquiry Information for /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_3
    Vendor Identification : NETAPP
    Product Identification : LUN
    Revision Number : 811a
    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FPY
    [root@server001 ~]# /etc/vx/diag.d/vxscsiinq /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4
    --------- Decoded Inquiry Information for /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4
    Vendor Identification : NETAPP
    Product Identification : LUN
    Revision Number : 811a
    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FP/
    [root@server001 ~]#
    [root@server002 ~]# /etc/vx/diag.d/vxscsiinq /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_3
    --------- Decoded Inquiry Information for /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_3
    Vendor Identification : NETAPP
    Product Identification : LUN
    Revision Number : 811a
    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FPb
    [root@server002 ~]# /etc/vx/diag.d/vxscsiinq /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4
    --------- Decoded Inquiry Information for /dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4
    Vendor Identification : NETAPP
    Product Identification : LUN
    Revision Number : 811a
    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FPY
    [root@server002 ~]#



  •  vxdisk list fas31400_3
    Device:    fas31400_3
    devicetag: fas31400_3
    type:      auto
    hostid:    .my.domain
    disk:      name=netbackup03
    group:     name=netbackup
    info:      format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3
    flags:     online ready private autoconfig noautoimport imported thinrclm
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_3s3 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fas31400_3s3
    guid:      {44bad38e-97e0-11e3-b5fe-76813428bcd1}
    udid:      NETAPP%5FLUN%5F200000168250%5F2Fht%2F%3FCl7FPY
    site:      -
    version:   3.1
    iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=1024 (blocks)
    public:    slice=3 offset=65792 len=1048561008 disk_offset=0
    private:   slice=3 offset=256 len=65536 disk_offset=0
    update:    time=1392647541 seqno=0.7
    ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0
    headers:   0 240
    configs:   count=1 len=51360
    logs:      count=1 len=4096
    Defined regions:
     config   priv 000048-000239[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     config   priv 000256-051423[051168]: copy=01 offset=000192 enabled
     log      priv 051424-055519[004096]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     lockrgn  priv 055520-055663[000144]: part=00 offset=000000
    Multipathing information:
    numpaths:   1
    sdd             state=enabled

    [root@server001 ~]# vxdisk list fas31400_4
    Device:    fas31400_4
    devicetag: fas31400_4
    type:      auto
    flags:     error private autoconfig
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fas31400_4
    guid:      -
    udid:      NETAPP%5FLUN%5F200000168250%5F2Fht%2F%3FCl7FP%2F
    site:      -
    Multipathing information:
    numpaths:   1
    sde             state=enabled
    [root@server001 ~]#

    [root@server002 ~]# vxdisk list fas31400_3
    Device:    fas31400_3
    devicetag: fas31400_3
    type:      auto
    flags:     error private autoconfig
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_3 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fas31400_3
    guid:      -
    udid:      NETAPP%5FLUN%5F200000168250%5F2Fht%2F%3FCl7FPb
    site:      -
    Multipathing information:
    numpaths:   1
    sde             state=enabled
    [root@server002 ~]#

    [root@server002 ~]# vxdisk list fas31400_4
    Device:    fas31400_4
    devicetag: fas31400_4
    type:      auto
    disk:      name=
    group:     name=netbackup
    info:      format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=3,privslice=3
    flags:     online ready private autoconfig noautoimport thinrclm
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/fas31400_4s3 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/fas31400_4s3
    guid:      -
    udid:      NETAPP%5FLUN%5F200000168250%5F2Fht%2F%3FCl7FPY
    site:      -
    version:   3.1
    iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=1024 (blocks)
    public:    slice=3 offset=65792 len=1048561008 disk_offset=0
    private:   slice=3 offset=256 len=65536 disk_offset=0
    update:    time=1392647541 seqno=0.7
    ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0
    headers:   0 240
    configs:   count=1 len=51360
    logs:      count=1 len=4096
    Defined regions:
     config   priv 000048-000239[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     config   priv 000256-051423[051168]: copy=01 offset=000192 enabled
     log      priv 051424-055519[004096]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     lockrgn  priv 055520-055663[000144]: part=00 offset=000000
    Multipathing information:
    numpaths:   1
    sdd             state=enabled
    [root@server002 ~]#


  • On Server 1, the serial number of disk is

    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FP/

    On Server 2, serial number of disk is

    Serial Number : 2Fht/?Cl7FPb

    which is different with a last digit, can you double check with storage team if these are indeen same Luns or different ? Though vxscsiinfo shouldn't report inconsistencies but here the difference is of 1 digit (last one) , would be better to confirm with storage team about both these Luns.

    from vxdisk list output, the paths to disks are enabled. have you tried doing a fdisk, layout a partition table & then do a "vxdisksetup" on the disk ? I am assuming this is new disk & there is no data on the disk.

