11 years agoLevel 4
CVM and CFS configuration
I want to configure CVM and CFS on Linux server (VCS). Anyone please share the sample configuration ?
I want to configure CVM and CFS on Linux server (VCS). Anyone please share the sample configuration ?
Please refer to installation guides for details
Sample configuration could be found install guide sections .. for e.g
Hi Velmathan
Not too sure what your VxVM and VCS skills are.
If you don't have the luxury of attending the classroom training for CFS, best to read the manuals that Gaurav has posted above, then install and configure in a lab setup before trying in a production environment.
A couple of videos:
Whiteboard: Fast Failover Using Cluster File System
High Availability with Veritas Cluster File System - Part 1
SLA Assurance: High Availability with Symantec Cluster File System, Part 2
Cluster File System High Availability - Demo of Fast Failover for Oracle
Hi marianne,
Thanks for sharing the videos. I am a beginner in vcs.
In our setup we have three standalone 11g2 oracel db server in VCS cluster setup.
Each DB instance is having one disk group ( which contains oracle binary filesystem and raw volume for ASM )
We have created resource ( Oracle binary mount , VIP, ASM diskgroup ) for single DB instance service group. Each node is running with 5 db instance all lun are shared across three nodes. While switch over the single DB instance Service Group to other node, ASM instance is getting restarted and affecting the remaining 4 DB intance. (While deporting Disk group where ASM volume it cause this issue ) To avoid this we need to keep ASM diskgroup in all three nodes using CVM. I don't want to mount filesystem across all server. (CFS is not required)
This is my requirement so that I need a sample config for CVM. Anyway I will refer the document to gain more info.
Hi Gaurav,
Thanks for the info.. We have created cvm group by running cfscluster config command but CVM status is not running state. In vxlicrept also its showing CVM_FULL = disable.
I seen the man page of vxconfigd command there is no specific mode to start on master or slave.. Can u please tell me the command with option.
CVM group is offline in VCS. How to enable it ?
i have one more doubt as i said we have 4 volumes in a diskgroup. first volume is having filesystem remaining three volume as raw disk.. I want all the cluster node can able to import the DG and 3 ASM/raw volumes but filesystem should be mounted on any one node (failover mode ) using normal Mount resource.
Anyone can tell me why this vxlicrept is showing CVM_FULL=disable..
How to enable it ?
After configuring CVM group also CVM status show offline.. and cluster state is inactivate...
Please tell me how to set master/slave node.