15 years agoLevel 3
10 dmpdaemons occupying all CPUs
10 dmpdaemons occupying all 4 CPUs but still can connect the server via telnet and excute commands except vx commands.. like vxdmpadm, vxdisk, vxdctl...
How can I jump out from this..
Great... reboot most of the time resolves ... :-)
However, looking at output.. I can see many many of vxnotify are running since June 05, also other than normal processes, vxesd & vxvm discovery are running as well...
Just a guess but I agree that issue would be at device discovery layer...
In future, before reboot, you can give a try to restart vxconfigd daemon, but make sure you have taken all cluster/CVM level precautions before doing so ..
If you know what happened on Jun 05, probably can give you some hint..