Hi Marianne,
yes I made it a cluster resource on Server B.
The steps i followed to split it was the following.
On server A:
1 - add an additional mirror plex with vxsnap addmir
2 - wait for sync to complete
3 - create the snapshot with vxsnap make source=avol/newvol=bvol/nmirror=1
4 - split and finally deport : vxdg split adg bdg bvol ; bxdg deport bdg
On server B:
import the dg with vxdg -s import bdg (Server B is actually a cluster made up of 2 nodes)
Output of the command vxdisk -o alldgs list
on Server A:
ibm_ds8x000_18 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg_srl03 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_38 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg01 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_39 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg02 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_40 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg03 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_41 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg04 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_42 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg05 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_43 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg_redo01 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_44 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg_srl01 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_45 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg_srl02 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_47 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg06 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_48 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg07 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_49 auto:cdsdisk moz_dg08 moz_dg online shared
ibm_ds8x000_67 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online
ibm_ds8x000_68 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online
ibm_ds8x000_69 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online
ibm_ds8x000_70 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online
ibm_ds8x000_71 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online
On Server B
ibm_ds8x000_2c02 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online hdisk113 lun
ibm_ds8x000_2c03 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online hdisk114 lun
ibm_ds8x000_2c04 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online hdisk115 lun
ibm_ds8x000_2c05 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online hdisk116 lun
ibm_ds8x000_2c06 auto:cdsdisk - (moz_dg-snp) online hdisk117 lun
In this case i want to import back on Server A moz_dg-snp