9 years agoLevel 3
Backup error details in Management Console
Hello Gentle people.
I am running a Symantec System Recovery 2013 R2 for backing up Windows 7 computers.
After backup is done in Symanatec Management Console if I go to Reports > Backup and Recover > Backup Status of Managed Computers report it shows different status of the backup execution as shown below some showes At Risk some shows Need Attention etc...
Now, If I use Symantec System Recovery 2013 R2 Console to check backup status it gives me more details such as why status is set to At Risk or Attention Needed as shown below
Is there a way to view a detailed log(Reasons) details in Altiris Console? So, I can use that information for reporting purpose
Any kind of help or a pointer is highly appreciated.
Thank you.