Forum Discussion

JohnK's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Bad Sectors?

On an SBS 2011 server running Symantec System Recovery 2013, I am seeing frequent errrors that read like the following:  Error E7C3000F: Device \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy260 cannot read 8192 sectors starting at LBA 1994432816.  The starting LBA is never the same, and running CHKDSK /F on the drive does not seem to make a difference.


If there are as many bad sectors on the hard drive as these errors indicate, I think I'd see some other symptoms like application or OS crashes.  But this never happens.  So what does this error really mean?  Is it Symantec-unique or is it indicative of a Windows problem?

8 Replies

  • Sorry for the delayed response...


    I was not familiar with partinfo.exe, so I appreciate you suggesting it.  I ran it on the server and see the following warnings:


    WARNING: Invalid End CHS values in partition above.
    WARNING: Begin CHS does not match start sector LBA in partition above.
    WARNING: End CHS does not match calculated end LBA in partition above.


    Based on the article you referenced, it looks like the next thing to try is the Shrink Volume procedure.  I will do this within the next couple of days unless you have a different suggestion.



  • Upon studying the partinfo.txt file more carefully, it appears that the above errors refer to the Dell Diagnostic partition.  But that partition is NOT being backed up by SSR.


    The event log errors about "cannot read 8192 sectors" correspond to failures of the C: drive image.  Perhaps I will try the Shrink Volume on C: drive anyway just to see if it makes any difference.


  • The errors which showed up from partinfo seemed to be associated with the Dell recovery partition, so I removed that partition from the job.

    Also shrunk the C: partition by 100 GB for good measure.

    Have not had the error for the last couple of weeks, so I'm hoping the problem is solved.