Forum Discussion

Network_Service's avatar
15 years ago

BESR 2010 - EBAB0013 - Anyone seen this before?

Date: 1/14/2010 4:04:26 AM

Notification Type: Error

Priority: High

Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Recovery point of E:\, D:\, C:\.

Error EC8F040B: Cannot create incremental recovery point of E:\ drive.

Error E0BB0083: Unable to create incremental recovery point.

Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, BitmapInternal::RunListBase<unsigned long>::RunListBase: d:\ComponentReleases\Base_Main\ws\Base/Dev/Bitmap/RunListBase.inl(158): mRunListCount < maxRuns.

Error E0BB0083: Unable to create incremental recovery point.

Details: 0xE0BB0083
FYI... next night's incremental ran without incident.

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