Forum Discussion

Triven's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

BESR 2010 - Memory Access Violation

Hi guys, error below, Any thoughts?


Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of VD2_SERVER - HP MSA Volume (D:\).
 Error EBAB03E9: Internal Application Error: Memory Access Violation c0000005: Application tried to read memory at 00000004.
 Error EBAB03E9: Internal Application Error: Memory Access Violation c0000005: Application tried to read memory at 00000004. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)

  • Hi Chris, Sorry its taken so long to get back to you, it looks like the server reboot fixed the issue. Many thanks for your help.

3 Replies

  • Looks similar to a known issue that is currently under investigation:

    Are you seeing this against a specific volume (D) ?

    What service pack level of BESR 2010 are you running?

  • Hi Chris,

    This error i get against both C and D drives.

    I can't tell you the SP at the moment as for some strange reason when i click help, about, i dont get a box appear with this info. I have scheduled a reboot of the server tonight so hopefully after i will be able to give you more info.

  • Hi Chris, Sorry its taken so long to get back to you, it looks like the server reboot fixed the issue. Many thanks for your help.