Forum Discussion

Digerati's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

BESR 2010 License

Hi All,

We have one BESR 2010 License to backup our existing Exchange server 2007. I have setup a test server which I want to install BESR 2010 on and use that to convert the backup images to VHD file, it will not backup but will just do the conversion...

Question is : Whether I can use that ONE License to activate the BESR 2010 trial I have on this test machine so that I can convert backup images to vhd almost every day, as I said - it won't backup, just do the conversion or granular recovery of exchange when required. Would that de-activate our existing BESR 2010 install on our Production Exchange Box or would it still carry on to work ?


When I received the Symantec Disc folder, it also has something called BESR desktop one or three free licenses (would have to double check).


Would be grateful for your input on this

Kind Regards

10 Replies

  • My Question is : Is it possible to have BESR 2010 on my test machine to be activated by the production KEY (so basically two copies activated) but only one being used as backup / restore and the other one for Virtual Conversions only.

    I have used and I am fully aware of 60-day evaluation period of BESR. 

    You can even extend the trial to 90 Days by bringing up the License screen and instead of inputting the license key press "Ctrl-Shift-F12"

    But even that would get disabled after 90 days....

    Now, I have read somewhere on these forums that for Granular restore option, one can install just the required program features and it won't need a license key for that - i was wondering if there is a feature like that for Virtual conversion too.

  • I suppose it would NOT deactivate the production license.

    As long as you're in the 60 days everthing is OK, after that you'd have to license it, or deinstall the product.

  • Thanks for your reply

    Yes, I know that trial versions are fully functional, I want to setup a test server on a permanent basis to do the virtual conversion and granular restore of exchange when required instead of using the production box for this.

    If I use the same License on it would it de-activate the production besr 2010 version ?

    I am now getting license prompts on the test server for BESR 2010, not sure whether it would be capable of doing virtual conversions after license prompts ?


  • The trial version are fully functional, you don't need a license to active any functionality. The limit is that it simply stops working after 60 days. Full stop.