Forum Discussion

cbtsi's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

BESR 2010?

Is there a forum for BESR 2010 yet? I'm trying to run a virtual conversion job and it keeps failing because it can't access the temporary file location. Has anyone seen this? Any ideas? It is BESR 2010 on Win XP. I've tried both a  local drive and a NAS for the temp location and it still says it can't access it. The permissions are fine.  Suggestions welcome!

5 Replies

  • Sorry - I shouldn't have written the above so late at night.

    I've created a backup using BESR 8.5.5. and the files exist on a NAS drive. I am trying to run a virtual conversion of those files to an ESXi box using BESR 2010 on Windows XP. When I create the job, it appears to log in to the ESXi server just fine, and I can select the files on the NAS drive. When I run the job, it runs for a few seconds, and then I get an error saying it couldn't access the temporary files location. (I assume this refers to the folder it uses to convert the v2i files before it uploads them to the ESX server?) I get this error whether I point it to a local hard drive on the Winxp computer or I point it to a folder on the NAS. I have moved the source v2i files to the Winxp computer with the same result.
    (My goal is to schedule a virtual conversion job, so using the vmware converter or vmkfstools is currently not an option.)

    The text of the error message is:
    -Unable to create virtual disk. This could be due to one of the following reasons:
    - Destination path does not exist.
    - Insufficient disk space.
    - Invalid credential or permissions on destination path.
    - Network errors.
  • When I click the link posted above I get "You are not authorized to access this page."
  • The link that you are trying to access is a PRIVATE post on the BE2010 Beta group that was closed down after the product launch and hence the reason that it cannot be accessed by the users who are not part of the group.