Forum Discussion

wrench's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

BESR 8.52 Upgrade from previous version

I attempted to upgrade to BESR 8.52 from 8.01. After rebooting, I discovered that I was unable to log in to the Management Console, and received this message:

"Authentication error.
Could not log on with supplied host name, user ID and password. Cannot get database connection. JZ006: Caught IOException: Connection refused: connect ". I was also getting publishing errors from every client.

My issue was that we had to use non-standard ports for the product. Apparently, this breaks BESR to a point where it is rendered unusable.

Placing a support call toSymantec resulted in finding the problem, but unfortunately, there isn't a fix but to do a complete uninstall and reinstall (Luckily, in my case, I backed up the server first, and restored from an SRD after this fiasco - but knowing I should have done this before the upgrade shows my distrust in the products Symantec delivers).

What I find disturbing, is that Symantec is willing to release upgrades and new versions without fully testing it first. This isn't the first time I've seen this, and looking through these forums confirms I'm not the only one who has seen issues with new releases (and not just BESR).

What I find even more disturbing, is that even with the support calls Symantec receives, and the posts on these forums, that this continues to be problematic. I'm not sure when or if Symantec will take this seriously, or how many customers they'll have to lose before quality becomes priority (I think more time is spent making things look pretty and adding bells and whistles, imho), but something needs to be done on the development side, as well as more thorough testing before new versions of the application is released to customers. I personally don't have the time to spend opening cases with Symantec, or dealing with issues resulting from failed upgrade attempts. What I do need is a product that works and is reliable - and quick, accurate support when something does break.

Symantec, are you listening?

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