Forum Discussion

BloodBaz's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Exchange Server 2008 Transaction Logs


When my BESR performs backups of our system and data drives, the Exchange Server transaction logs are not pruned.

I have carefully followed the two items explained in the following article:

both of which are present and correct on our server, yet the pruning does not take place.

What else cause be the problem?
(I currently have 14354 Trans Logs dating back to August 2008 consuming 38Gb and could do with them being pruned cleanly)

I am using Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2008 with SP1

  • Hi Chris (Riley),

    Thanks for your support.  We have found out the cause of my Exchange Transaction Logs not pruning:

    Exchange Transaction Logs only get pruned if both the Transaction Logs AND the Storage Group databases are backed up under a SINGLE BACKUP JOB.

    My backup strategy was:

    System Backup: One Backup Job running a full backup of C: (System Drive) once a week.

    Data Backup: One Backup Job running a backup of D: (Data Drive) daily - Weekly Scheduled Base followed by Daily Incrementals.

    It so happened that following advise to hold Logs and Database on separate volumes, my Transaction Logs were located on the C: drive and got backed up via the first Job and my Storage Group databases were located on the D: drive and got backed up daily.  As both objects were not backed up under a single job, the logs were not pruned.

    Thanks again for your help in this matter.  Hopefully this discussion will help others out.  I think it would be good also to make the explicit point about "both TLogs and Storage Groups under a single job" in the knowledge base.

    Kind Regards,



15 Replies