How to install the Symantec Management Agent by users without local administrator rights
Sadly it isn't possible for us to deploy the Symantec Management Agent from the SSR2011 console. See one of my previous posts.
Since we have more than 200 laptops that we want to backup using SSR2011, it would be great if we can deploy the SMA on some other ways:
I tried to run the install at some clients from the Download Page URL. Users with local administrator rights can install the Agent, Others without these rights, won't install the agent. Since most users don't have local administrators this won't be a good solution.
We would like one of the following options:
- Deploying the SMA by MSI-file by Active Directory
- Create some kind of installer.exe that users can use to install the software without to change lcoal admin rights (This was the way we used succesfully with Symantec Backupexec for desktop 8.5)
Any other suggestion is welcome.
Can anyone help with our urgent problem?
Best regards,
Danny ter Horst
Since the pushing of the SMA is finallt working, this post isn't usefull anymore.