Forum Discussion

Gary_Karasik's avatar
12 years ago

moving data from unused area


I'm wondering what exactly SSR2013 is doing when it's at 99% done and stalled seemingly forever at "Moving data from unused area?" There's no indication of how long this will take, and I'm just sitting here thinking of things to do. I can't really leave the system for any length of time because it might finish the crive copy at any moment. So I'm just stuck here grumbling. What I can't understand is what data there is in an unused area. If it's unused, then why is the date important to me, and why do I have to wait interminably while it is moved? Why can't there be some kind of progress indicator so I can know where I am in the process?


20 Replies

  • To your query : Why the pressure to mark it solved?

    From the support prospective we have around four thousand - Threads  Seventeen thousand - Comments and only   around eight hundred - marked as Solved. Though many threads are answered and resolved , but are not marked as solved.

    The only reason we say mark the thread as solved , so that it is easy for the technicians to answer the queries of open threads and analyse the threads quickly.

    We are sorry if you found it to be pressured to mark the thread as Solved. 

    You can take your time to discuss the forum. I would like to finish the job , I have started and not leave it half done.


  • This is a direct disk-to-disk copy between similar disks within the same server, so your questions do not apply.


  • was this ever resolved i am having the same issue 1 hr to copy and reach 99% 4 hours now waiting for the last percent to be done, does it ever get there?

  • There's no evidence anyone ever seriously tried to solve this; "half-done" implies some effort. In this case it  is giving the Symantec technicians far more credit than they deserve.


    • sonny5085's avatar
      Level 2

      i found the answer that works for me is to resize the image to a smaller size when putting the saved image into a smaller drive say even if the image is 100 gig hard drive but only occupies 50 gig of space on that hard drive .. but when you go to put that image of 50 gig on a 75 gig partition it begins to work fine then at the end it says it needs to move data from unused area forever and ever and ever .. if you will install the image on a like size image that it came off ..then resize the partition to a smaller size that you are going to install the image upon ..then you will not have the problem of moving data forever & ever & ever it will match up ..hope this helps looks like 8 years late on this answer ..

    • sonny5085's avatar
      Level 2

      i found the answer that works for me is to resize the image to a smaller size when putting the saved image into a smaller drive say even if the image is 100 gig hard drive but only occupies 50 gig of space on that hard drive .. but when you go to put that image of 50 gig on a 75 gig partition it begins to work fine then at the end it says it needs to move data from unused area forever and ever and ever .. if you will install the image on a like size image that it came off ..then resize the partition to a smaller size that you are going to install the image upon ..then you will not have the problem of moving data forever & ever & ever it will match up ..hope this helps looks like 8 years late on this answer ..

  • Has anyone found a resolution to this yet?  Had the same problem this weekend.  I haven't been able to find a solution.  Trying to copy a hard drive, made a backup first to a second drive and all went well.  Then tried to copy the drive, 140gb off a ssd and took about 12 minutes to get to 99% and "Moving data from unused area".  2 hours later i gave up tried to cancel the oeration and  it said it was trying to cancel, but I noticed if I hide the prgress window, and then reopened it it still said it was trying to Move data from unused area.  After calling Symantic Support and being transfered 5 times, I found out that the 60 trial of SSR2013 is not only a time limited trial but also a funtion limited trial.  I don't know if this is just what I was told or if everyone else above that has experienced the same issue was also testing the trial version.  

    Win 8 Pro 64 If it's helpful.


  • I had one disk copy where it eventually ended after about an hour. I had another where it did not ever end. In that particular circumstance, I cancelled the copy, set Chkdsk on reboot and rebooted the server. I then reinstalled SSR. After this the drive copied fine, and I have not seen the "Moving date from unused area" since.

    I think partly there's a diction problem here. I think we're watching a hung process, and the label is mind-boggling. Why are we waiting for data from an unused area to be copied in the first place? If it's from an unused area, why do we need it copied? Why is there even data in an unused area?


  • Not only is there no resolution, there isn't even a serious attempt to grapple with the problem. There forums are pretty nearly useless.
