Forum Discussion

ToxicMan's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Off-site Backup Destination Unmanageable

SSR2013 R2 on WINDOWS 10.  Not available in the dropdown...

Really need some help here folks.  I have a backup job that's been working well and has been configured to copy recovery points to a nas-share using the off-site copy feature.  I've attached an image of the Offsite Copy Settings.

When I attempt to Manage Backup Destination, I can't select the off-site location, it's listed in the drop down but not to the proper sub directory, it's only showing the parent directory and therefore no recovery point sets.  I've also uploaded an image of this as well.

Veritas Support won't help, I don't have a support contract.  I'm just a poor little home user whom bought SSR 2010 from Norton and have been upgrading along the way to the current SSR 2013 R2 w/latest patches.  Along the way, Veritas bought it and now wants hundreds of dollars a year for support.  Argh.

Does anyone here know how I can fix this?  Thanks.

12 Replies

      • ToxicMan's avatar
        Level 3
        No. This has always plagued me. I've even gone as far as deleting the entire backup job, uninstalling SSR and reinstalling from scratch. I'm firmly convinced this is a bug.

        I've even moved all the offsite backups into the directory SSR shows as the destination and that too has no effect. The app doesn't manage offsite locations despite configuration.

        But I have to pay veritas to show them the undocumented feature. Crazy! And completely stuck with an out of control growing offsite backup!