Enterprise Vault: Off site DR Replication
I am planning to install Enterprise Vault for our Exchange2007 server. Since we have 2 Data Centers, one is primary and the other is DR, I am thinking to install the same system in both sites and make replication.
Currently we already have exchange 2007 server in DR site and it is replicated by using Drouble Take and also Exchange failover is handle by Double Take.
Now if I install EV server and SQL server for EV in Data Center and DR site, can I use Double Take for the replication and failover for EV and SQL servers?
As far as I checked, I could install EV as "building block" and make manual failover happens. So If DT is not supported, then I can at least do the manual failover to DR site?
Also is there anyone who does Storage Replication (Storage for archived data and SQL data) to DR site? I believe this is common design.
Thank you very much in advance.
you could look at nearsite (michelz should be able to help :)