Forum Discussion

kahml's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

SPS SBE - SSR 2011: I am very frustrated and quite disappointed...

I just installed Symantec Protection Suite - Small Business Edition Symantec System Recovery 2011 on a Window 7 PC that is part of a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain.

Following the PC's reboot, I received the following error message when SSR launched:

Unable to load configuration information

blah, blah, Error 80040154

I used Google to search for "Symantec System Recovery 2011 80040154" and found that there was a batch fix file.

I followed the directions and ran it.

I restarted the PC and launched SSR and I received the following error message:

E1AD312: You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation

Now, I found this very strange because I was using "run as Administrator" to start the program.

I used Google to search for this error message and found that there was a fix; I had to register another DLL.

Once again, I started the program and tried to run the first wizard, and I received the following error message:

E1AD27F0: Cannot determine protection

Object reference not set ot an instance of an object

At this point, I have spent close to an hour trying to launch a program.

That - simply put - is absurd!

I don't even have the patience to contact support right now, I'm afraid I'm going to throttle someone.


  • Fine, Chris - will do.

    Going back to the original post:  During the initial installation, I was logged on to the computer as a user, and ran the installation via a network share with Administrator privileges.  That, obviously did not work.

    After uninstalling the product, I logged on as local administrator and the installation worked as expected.

    Nowhere in the documentation does it state that one must log on as local administrator - and I don't know why that would be an unstated expectation, especially when Windows prompts for elevated privileges to perform the installation.  But somehow, not all of the components are installed properly if someone is not the local administrator...

    Case closed!

20 Replies

  • It seem’s to deploy with out any issues on Windows 7I guess it’s because the firewall is off in our environment

    So this will save me another head ache

  • If someone knows how to get the settings from the "console" PC exported to the "agent" PC, I would really love to know about it.

    Which settings are you talking about here? Typically this is something you would use the management solution for...

  • i think he wants exception settings for windows firewall so he can deploy the solution SSR

  • @Linas, no - I've got the exceptions, and I have created a GPO that distributed them to the clients.

    What I don't have - and would really like - is a way of getting the settings, such as: back up device, SMTP information, schedule, etc. on to each client/agent now that it is deployed.

    @Chris, I was told that the Management Solution is "overkill" for less than 50 - and I've got 10 desktops to set up at one site.  I only deal with very small businesses - but the work involved in manually deploying something 10 times is absurd.


    Important Note: Customers managing smaller Symantec System Recovery environments with less than 20 servers should consider using the standard client console for remote administration purposes (1-to-1 management).  To manage a remote computer, select Add under the Computers menu in the Symantec System Recovery console or select an already added computer from the list in the Computers menu.
    As this tool was designed for large Symantec System Recovery environments, it is not recommended for small environments and may require additional hardware and more advanced systems management expertise in order to operate. 
    So, based on the Symantec documentation, I don't seem to have any choice in the matter.
    As I've said before - if the EndPoint Protection product can manage and deploy thorugh a console, there's really no reason that the System Recovery product can't manage and deploy through a similar console.
    The two products are bundled in the Symantec Protection Suite - Small Business Edition.  I've been told this was specifically designed for "easy deployments.'  That just doesn't seem to be the case...
  • You will need to connect to each agent and setup those things manually I'm afraid.

    And yes, the management solution is designed for environments for more than 20 clients so it would be overkill in your environment.

    Sorry I don't have better news for you.

  • So who do I contact with "request(s) for enhancement" on this product?

    The list now stands at:

    • Deploy the product via GPO from a server to the domain's desktops
    • Establish the settings for a GPO that creates the appropriate Windows Firewall openings
    • Update the documentation to match the product that was released
    • Establish a mechanism for distributing 1 set of settings to all agent PCs
    • Provide a console like SEPM for SSR to distribute and maintain the agent PCs
  • Latest update: Recovery Disk

    With Symantec Tech Support on the phone, I attempted to create the Recovery Disk.  Because I was unable to download the file from the FileConnect site, I used the physical CD (purchased from distribution on my own dime) and a SanDisk Cruzer 8 GB USB drive.

    The process took about 15 minutes - which included a discussion regarding the driver discovery results.  Mine said that I needed to supply the Intel network card drivers for my Dell Optiplex 790.  Tech Support said it was not necessary, they are on the CD.  The ones I pulled down from the Dell site were not correct anyway...

    After clicking Finish on the dialog box, I went to view the files on the USB drive.

    Windows issued an error saying that the removable drive was not recognized.


    Tech Support suggests that rather than use the Multilanguage version, I should use the English version.  But then a little research found this gem: Unable to boot from the English Symantec System Recovery Disk (SRD) on some Dell systems -

    And, wouldn't you know, one of the devices is a Dell Opti 790.  Their recommendation - use the Multilanguage version...

    I honestly can't remember when I have been so completely [epithet removed by author] over by a software company.

  • kahml:

    First off; you would be better served if you started a new post for this as it has nothing to do with the original posters subject.

    That said, if you are running into this issue (, please open a case with support and ask for it to be escalated through to backline. This issue is still under investigation and we need to work with customers experiencing the issue in order to find the root cause of the problem.

  • Fine, Chris - will do.

    Going back to the original post:  During the initial installation, I was logged on to the computer as a user, and ran the installation via a network share with Administrator privileges.  That, obviously did not work.

    After uninstalling the product, I logged on as local administrator and the installation worked as expected.

    Nowhere in the documentation does it state that one must log on as local administrator - and I don't know why that would be an unstated expectation, especially when Windows prompts for elevated privileges to perform the installation.  But somehow, not all of the components are installed properly if someone is not the local administrator...

    Case closed!