Forum Discussion

Herbo's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Sym Sys Recovery 2013 - "encrypted" disk?

I've installed a clean copy of SSR 2013 on a brand new Windows 7 64 bit machine.  At the end of "Easy SetUp" I go for the "Back up Now" option.  The UI comes up and states the snapshot is being taken.  10 seconds later, an error occurs.  Research the error which states that SSR cannot create an image because the drive is encrypted.  I tested further and found that this error happens either when attempting an disk image or if I try to backup just the folder structure.

This install of Win 7 was generated from the Acer Recovery Partition as we had purchased the system with both XP and Win 7 images.  There was no "option" to encrypt anything - it was as straightforward an install as you can get.  There were no "encryption" steps taken to encrypt anything.

What's SSR really looking for and what do I need to do to bypass this bogus encryption error?

  • In the Utilities Folder underneath SSR, you'll find FixInstall.exe.  Run that.  Among other things it re-registers all .dll files that SSR uses.  

    This fixes that problem.


  • What is the error you are seeing when the backup fails?

    Also, try creating a backup of the C:\ drive only. Sometimes backing up the partition(s) that contain factory data can have issues, and testing a C:\ only backup will help verify if this is the case.

  • Hello Andy -

    As I said, I was just using the disks and partitions as suggested by Symantec's Easy SetUp wizard.  I don't have the error at this moment but I will tomorrow.


  • Andy - the error comes up "Error ebab0005 error running job".  And there is another Error Panel that you can see with "More Details" which appears with this coding:  UMI: V-281-2987-5.   This ebab0005 error Googles out to statement that the disk is encrypted.  I say I did not encrypt any disk and did a simple Win 7 install from the Acer Recovery partition.  The "UMI..." coding can been if you click on See Details and it's also found in Help from the Web link in the error box.

    I ran a pure Window 7 backup on the C drive including a disk image.  Worked fine.  Attempted just a back up of C:/ to the NAS with no other disks or partitions.  Attempted a small folder backup to the NAS.  Attempted the same folder backup to the empty D:\Data drive.   I ran chkdsk - full check at boot time:  Volume is Clean".  I did a repair install using Control Panel > Progs and Features > SSR 2013 > Change.

    Has anyone ever seen this before?  What am I dealing with here?


  • If you browse to the C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec System Recovery\Utility folder, double-click the file PARTINFO.EXE. It will generate a file PARTINFO.TXT. Reply and attach that file.

    Just to keep the issue less confusing, don't utilize the FILE AND FOLDER backups at this point, even to test. We'll look at the partinfo report and see if there is any indication of what's going on.



  • OK, partinfo.txt is attached.  And on File&Folder, I was just looking to test something -anything- to see if I could get a different result.

    I'm really anxious to see if you see anything that's happened.  Acer states that NO encryption is imposed on an install from the Recovery Partition.  It should be clear as day.  They did indicate to avoid backing up the Recover Partition but I'm not convinced that they knew precisely whether this would cause problems.

    Thanks for trying to help.  I'll keep close tabs on this thread.


  • In the Utilities Folder underneath SSR, you'll find FixInstall.exe.  Run that.  Among other things it re-registers all .dll files that SSR uses.  

    This fixes that problem.
