Forum Discussion

aardsuz's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Symantic System Recovery 2013 R2 has suddenly stopped working on Small Business Server 2008

Symantic System Recovery 2013 R2 has suddenly stopped working on Small Business Server 2008

I have been using the Symantic System Recovery 2013 R2 for several months on our SBS 2008 and have not had any problems.

Suddenly, last week it stopped creating backups.  There were no Microsoft updates installed prior to the program failing and no other configuration items on the server have been changed.

I am seeing the following error in the event log:

Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\), DATA (D:\), EXCHANGE (F:\).
    Error E4F3000F: Unexpected VSS writer error. Check the application event log for writer specific error. Failed VSS writers: BITS Writer. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)

Source: Symantec System Recovery


The program is working fine on my other server which runs Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.  

Can you please advise me as to how I can resolve this issue? 

8 Replies

  • Try seperate backup of drives and check whether issue persist to a single drive.

    Also check whether the writers are stable before and after the backup

    Run the command : vssadmin list writers 

    If any writer is in a failed state reboot the machine. 

    If the writers is stable for a while and fails again contact microsoft to fix the writer

    You can also run Windows backup to test VSS

  • HI

    Having the same issue with an SBS 2011 Server. Any solution for this?